Royal Brompton Hospitals Chief Executive Robert Bell is a THIEF!!






Harefield Hospital is riddled with politics, corruption and dishonest staff members who lie and make false claims consistently. The Chief Executive Robert Bell states that all policies and procedures are being carried out properly. Gollywogs are openly carried around this Hospital without any reprimands or disciplinary action. In fact, management state Gollywogs are just teddy bears and they can be carried around on site as long as they were given as presents. Gang warfare also exists in the Cardiology department of Harefield Hospital where staff members have the reputation to gang up on a single staff member (usually someone of ethnic minority or a junior staff member) and overwhelm false allegations against them. The management accept this at face value because they are involved in it. The Chief Executive Robert Bell ignores this behavior stating it is not occurring. The number of people whom have left the Cardiology department at Harefield Hospital continues to increase annually due to the excessive number of allegations, bullying and harassment that undergoes in this department. Some conduct issues relating to the staff in this department are as follows.

Michael Octave – He went on a strop because he was refused the job of Head of Electrophysiology. He spreaded rumors everywhere stating it was because his integrity got questioned by JR because a junior staff member failed his exam. Michael Octave ganged all his senior friends in the department against this innocent junior staff member and got him dismissed from his duties as management stated the team has lost trust and confidence in him because of their behavior when in fact the real truth was being concealed. Michael Octave is also involved with a current transplant patient called Sonia Dos Santos whom he met whilst performing an ECG. He has also been involved in sexual relationships with six other patients in the past. He is not disciplined for this because his line manager JR is afraid he will report the issue about her not wanting him to do the head of Electrophysiology job. Michael Octave hates JR so much, he also handed his resignation in. He blackmailed JR that he will report her if she did not offer him staff bank work in the department (costing the taxpayer £55 an hour). JR agreed to this and he has since the last 3 years been making this amount on a full time basis in response he does not reveal the reason he handed his resignation in. He also likes to go on high level courses where he sits down at the dinner table for the evening dinners bitching about all former employees. This has caused him to become isolated as no one no longer trusts him. He is also a regular user of Cannabis and has an addiction to it. He is also an abuser of anabolic steroids. He has also got a patient of the hospital pregnant because he got carried away by doing his ECGs. This is with Sonia dos Santos, someone who had a heart transplant and who looks like a drag queen. One of the reasons why Sonia had a heart transplant is because god is punishing Michael Octave for his lies all the time. He has lied throughout all his career, continueing it again and again and no one was able to stop it until JR refused him the EP job and rejected him, something he did not like.

Robert Bougard – He is Michael Octaves best friend and started targeting this junior staff member because he believed Michael Octave is a good boy. He made allegation after allegation about stupid things, like a piece of paper was not thrown in the recycle bin. Managers accepted his allegations against the student but failed to take in to account that he was signing off timesheets that his bank staff were not completing. This fraud went on for 3 years and the taxpayer forked out nearly £3000 a month for false timesheets. He also introduced Michael Octave to his patients so they can start getting involved in intimate relationships. He also went home early and refused to do any work in his transplant department stating that he is too senior to be doing it now. He also went on a very high level course to Boston in USA with his father on the departments funds which is paid for by the taxpayers. He was allowed to do this as management stated there is nothing wrong with this. Robert Bougard ran away to South Africa after he got many ethnic minorities dismissed from their jobs at the hospital. He is big headed and does not have a moral conscience. He only picks on people who are very junior or people that do not talk too much because he finds them easy targets. He use to go to McDonalds to have his breakfast with his bank staff whilst he is supposed to be on duty working in the department. He was so big headed that he was not even put on the departments roster.

Ken Ali – Ken Alis real name is Mushtaq Ali but goes by the name of Ken because he is ashamed of his ethnicity. He has worked at Harefield Hospitals Cardiology department for 23 years now and continues to lie and make false allegations against his colleagues. His area of expertise is to lie completely through his teeth and pretend like what he says is complete honesty when in fact its not. He has removed many ethnic minorities from the department stating none of them work except him. Ken Ali also goes missing from the main Cardiology department when the department gets busy stating that he needs to stock up the ITU. Im sure he can do this some other time. He is a self indulged liar who charges former employees for references and turns round and gives them negative references. He also threatened his line manager JR that he will leave the department if his wife did not get the job of Trainee Cardiac Physiologist which ultimately she did (even though she is a former dismissed employee). Ken Ali will never leave Harefield Hospital because his reputation and name is so bad across the NHS that no other Cardiology department wants him and have specifically requested this. Ken Ali believes the more staff members he gets rid of that are ethnic, the more people will accept him as a non-ethnic staff member, so far it has worked as he has lasted for 20 years in the department but that’s only because of his lies and dishonesty. He was even kicked out of the hospitals Echo department because of trust issues and started asking a former employee to make allegations against the Echo department in response to his experiences. He is untrustworthy and will lie just to get a pat on the back. He makes allegations to the head of HR, ‘Nipple-T’ Terry White because he wants a promotion even though every allegation he makes is false. This man is treating patients and getting rid of staff with lies whom are also treating patients. Other people and their families mean nothing to him because all he wants is to screw other people whilst he paves the path for himself to work his way up. He also thinks hes very intelligent when he cannot answer questions put towards him about his job. It is no wonder he was made the Pacing manager because he lies so much.

Maureen Shepherd – Maureen is a right prick of the department. She has a habit of delibrately starting false rumours against innocent people. She does this by carrying Gollywogs also and claims she is not racist as this is her country. She works under a false job description making £6-7,000 extra a year for a role she does not do. She is a Cardiographer by day but she doesnt even do that job. She claims money for a band 5 medical technical officer. A role that offers more money and claims to have more responsibilities in which Maureen does not do. This is real fraud which the taxpayer is footing the bill for. When it came to this innocent ex employee, Maureen spreaded fabrication allegation after allegation in hope to get rid of this innocent ethnic minority employee. Maureen was being rewarded for this bad behaviour by her line manager JR by getting a false job description and pay banding in return. Maureen also goes on extended sicknesses and jokes about it when she comes back to work. She once took an entire 3 months off claiming she needs surgery on her leg, just to come back 3 months later and saying the appointment got cancelled and she will need another 3 months off in 2 weeks time. The appointment never existed and Maureen was faking her sicknesses to go on full pay band 5 sickness, something that other staff members had to work extra hard for and then take her vile abuse when she comes back to work. Maureen has a very smart mouth and her skin on her arse always hangs down like gravity has been exaggerated on it. When she sat on the chair in the department (like she always did), her arse use to ooze from the sides of the chair and she used to come out with some serious nasty comments, comments that only a cardiographer who claims a medical technical officer salary could make. She talks about immigration rules as though its her right but she originates from scotland and wales herself and lets not talk about her son immigrating to New Zealand. Maureen use to open other staff members payslips in the department and steal this innocent ex employees ECG books so that he does not learn his ECGs and move on away from doing ECGs and letting the fat lazy bastard do them even though this is her lazy fat arses job to do it. She has been married 3 times (from a legal point) but it is understood she married more then that. All her marriages ended in divorce because Maureen wanted to take half of everything in the court settlement, something her lazy fat arse never worked for in the first place. So not only is Maureen a fraudster but she also is a thief. She stole from her husbands and the taxpayer and put it in her fat arse. Her last partner was just a partner. He never married her because he thought he could do better plus Maureen made so much money from her scam weddings in the past and then half the settlements in the divorce that when she had a lot of money, she did not want to get married so that no one else takes her money in any court settlement. When her last partner died, Maureen made more excuses to go off sick. She was off for nearly a year on full pay. This woman has no remorse, someone close to her fat arse dies and all she can think about is stealing from the taxpayer in return and making her work colleagues work harder to cover her.

Jackie Deamer – Jackie is a Cardiographer in the Cardiology department. She goes off sick 8 months a year every year on full pay by faking her sicknesses. She openly carries a gollywog, has been known to swear and be racist to patients and also encourages vulnerable patients to complain about ethnic minorities. The management state they are not aware of this. She also has a false job description which has been exaggerated so she can get another £6,000 a year on top of her base salary. The management has declined to comment this. Jackie also deliberately injures herself and then exaggerates it by claiming compensation whilst she goes off sick on full pay. She talks ao bad all the time and spends the most of her day spreading false rumours about her colleagues whilst she works on a band 5 payscale claiming she is a medical technical officer when in fact she is far from this. This has all been fabricated by management who have delibrately bumped up her job description to a standard cardiographer to senior Cardiographer but her job description and pay banding is under the medical technical officer. This is a real fraud going on and all this money needs to be reimbursed back to the hard working taxpayer. jackies niece also had a drugs overdose because she learnt the behaviour from jackie. Jackie says this is the fault of all ethnic minorities and this justifies her being racist all the time when in fact her nieve was not in control of her life. In fact, her niece chose to take drugs and in such high quantities that she had an overdose in and left jackie to be racist to ethnic minorities so you cant really feel sorry for people like that. Jackie Deamers husband, sons and family members also carried out a ram raid on the ATM on the main reception of the hospital although unsuccessful. She was the only one that knew the money had been put in the ATM that day as her and her husband had a stall on opposite this ATM so they definitely saw it being put in. This is on top of jackie and her family selling stolen goods from stall and Amazon. Jackie also claims to have passed her Part 1 ECG exam in 2005/2006. This is false, she has claimed this and falsified documents to claim this so she can get a higher banding for jobs she does not do. She keeps failing her Part 1 exam again and again and takes as much leave on full pay as possible and refuses to do any work when she comes to the department.

Terry White – Terry White also know as Nipple-T is the divisional head of Human resources of Harefield Hospital. He has had a policy that states that no ethnic minority should have human rights in the hospital and to deliberately select them OUT OF JOBS. He is aware why Michael Octave did not get the head of Electrophysiology job but declines to comment on the matter. He also encourages other managers to not promote ethnic minorities or give them opportunities. Instead, they are victimized and abused whilst on duty. Nipple-T also takes a bonus home annually amounting to around £10,000 a year. This is the taxpayers money. If staff members challenge his behavior, he will deliberately dismiss you with false allegations and also encourage others to make false allegations in return for healthy promotions by ganging up. He used to work for a supermarket many years ago hence the former alias of Tesco-Terry. He has also been reprimanded by the police whom stated that Terry makes false allegations to keep former employees quiet. He was threatened with arrest for wasting police time. He also does not like to advertise jobs and if he does, he will try to find out if the person is ethnic. He also concludes that Gollywogs are not racist and staff members are allowed to carry them in the hospital. The Chief Executive Robert Bell does not have the balls to stop this.

Robert Bell, Chief Executive – Robert Bell has wasted tens of millions of pounds of taxpayers money on manager bonuses and plans which ultimately he scrapped. Robert Bell has also got an unofficial policy where he states that ethnic minorities are not allowed to work as managers or senior staff members. Is it any surprise why all the management and board of directors are white and not ethnic. This is because these staff members are being selected out of these jobs to keep the organization all one race. Robert Bell takes home a £25,000 bonus every year whilst staff at the bottom are losing there jobs because of issues relating to financial downfalls.

If you support that you want this organization investigated and closed down for malpractice, please support this group and inform others of it.

Furthermore, do not apply for jobs in this hospital if you want your career and health to be a priority. The hospital is the scum of the earth and a very bad employer.


The REAL Harefield Hospital Cardiology Department:

A senior doctor called Rajesh Kharbanda applied for the job of consultant cardiologist at the hospital in 2007. The clinical director Charles Illsley called in Rajesh and said he does not want him doing this job. No reason was given. It was assumed it was because he was Asian. Rajesh Kharbanda left Harefield Hospital to pursue a consultant position at Ashford hospital. A hospital that does not discriminate.

JR and Shirley Steel say if you have any concerns or problems, please come to us. Why would they say this when an innocent person lost their job because you were not doing it in the first place. These two women deliberately ignored issues in the department and made it so bad in the first place.

JR who is the head of the Cardiology department at Harefield Hospital did not want Michael Octave, an Afro-Carribean male doing the head of Electrophysiology job because hes black. Rather then say this, she blamed it on an innocent unsuspecting bystander, also of ethnicity and said it was his fault because he failed one exam. Michael Octave was so furious, that he spreaded defamatory and false rumors and allegations about this former employee and ganged all his friends up against him with false allegations ultimately causing him to get fired. This all occurred whilst JR was observing and turned a blind eye. Michael Octave went as far as to physically assault this former employee in the mens changing rooms as he held him responsible for this promotion refusal. JR stated to this former employee she will sort it out but she didn’t. In fact, she used it to her advantage and got him fired from the job because she was filled with spite

This is the job for Head of Electrophysiology (EP). The job which Michael Octave was not allowed to do and an innocent bystander took a penalty because of

ep job ad

This is statement from Ken Ali. This statement was proven to be false one year later. When Ken Ali was questioned why he lied, his response was ‘well, everyone else was lying too’. This man is now working as a senior manager with this level of dishonesty and also treating patients


This is Ken Alis second statement. He stated that he did not say this former employees name and everything has been misunderstood. He withdrew this allegation along with his previous one stating that ‘everyone else was lying too’. Its a childish response which cost someone their job.


Ken Ali even charged this former employee £100 for a positive reference. He had an agreement with him for this. He took the money and gave a standard/negative reference. References are not paid for, they show a true reflection but Ken Ali was so evil he charged this employee and scammed him out of money


This is Ken Ali confirming he did receive the money and thanking this former employee. He still did not disclose the contents of the reference to this employee stating it was all confidential. In the meantime, he gave a copy of the reference to his line manager showing how honest he was being but failed to state that he was paid money for it!

KA Mail

This is Ken Ali confirming what happened between Michael Octave and JR. He makes it clear and that it is quite common knowledge in the department he was not allowed to do the job of Head of EP due to a racial issue

This is Michael Octaves resignation letter. He went on a strop targeting innocent people in the process whilst he handed his resignation in because he was not allowed to do the job of head of EP. The Chief Executive Robert Bell declines to comment on this as he promotes this behavior amongst his management

This is Michael Octave bitching about this former employee. He says as many nasty things as possible, most of them lies. He is the one who is dishonest and he is concealing the reason why he handed his resignation in

This is Michael Octave stating that this former employee never told him about failing his exam and that his integrity got put in to question. He forgets to mention the rest though. He was refused the job of head of Electrophysiology and started making false allegations against this former employee whilst his friends egged him on. The head of the department JR took Michael Octaves side because she did not want him revealing the reason why he resigned to management.

This is Robert Bougards statement against this former employee. He is Michael Octaves best friend. He started criticizing this employees work and did it too much. He even says in his final paragraph ‘Third, allegations made against other members of staff have proven to be false’. He is talking about the job of Head of Eletrophysiology and when JR refused it to Michael Octave but blaming it on an innocent bystander whom had nothing to do with it


This is a picture of the liars and whales Ken Ali and Michael Octave.

Ken Ali on the left likes to cuddle and hug Michael Octave (on the right). Together they have lied and lied through their careers and got rid of so many staff members. They will lie to such an extent that they will collaborate each others false allegations because they are riddled with spite when they have no reason to be.

Ken Ali – Mike, shall we eat the dismissed employee because you didn’t get the EP job


This is an allegation against Ken Alis wife. An allegation was made that her husband Ken Ali was doing all her college assignments to gain professional qualifications for her. Upon investigation, it was confirmed that the allegations was in fact true and Joanna Ali was removed from the course. It looks as though dishonesty runs in the family


This is JR statement against this former employee. She takes time to mention the ECG exam but does not get too much in to it. She states that Michael Octave stopped being this employees assessor because he asked him to do something and the employee did not want to do it. JR IS A LIAR, HE STOPPED BEING THE ASSESSOR BECAUSE SHE DID NOT WANT HIM DOING THE JOB OF HEAD ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY AND THIS IS WHY HE RESIGNED ALSO.


This is JR second statement. As you can see, she cant seem to say anything nice about this former employee. In fact, she only says bad things. Im sure she knew what she was doing. She seems very spiteful and its no wonder no ethnic minority is promoted in the department under her management


This is JR responding to allegations of bullying in the department against this former employee. She says she has unofficially reprimanded the individuals but this has gone on for 13 years, surely, it should become official after a period of the same incidents occurring again and again. The reason JR is protecting these individuals is because they are white


Even swearing in the department in front of patients is defended by JR . This is quite disturbing!

This is when a staff member encouraged this patient to make a complaint against this former employee. It came to light that the staff member this patient was complaining about was not even in at work the whole week!


This is when the patients daughter found out about this. She was furious and demanded that this staff member Jackie not do any tests on her mother again. The Chief Executive Robert Bell also declined to comment.


This is the response to the patients daughter. The real reason was concealed why this occurred. The reasons had racial motivations behind it and Jackie was protected and covered up for it by the management because she is white. Jackie Deamer also continues to work in the department carrying GOLLYWOGS and evading disciplinary action


This is staff member confirming that racism occurs in the department and she has heard the word PAKI be used.


This is the managements response to GOLLYWOGS being carried around. As you can see, its not offensive and no one has complained. This is very unusual, im sure a number of people have complained and it does indicate racism regardless how diluted the management make it


This is the allegation this former employee made which management investigated. As you can see, the allegations are VERY SERIOUS.


This is the conclusion of the investigation. As you can see, the gang warfare in this department is apparent despite denials. Staff members are afraid their cars will be smashed up and families targeted and life will become unbearable if they reported these incidents.

This is the second conclusion. A number of points have been raised. The atmosphere has been described as strained and uncomfortable and false job descriptions exist so staff make more money. This is at the expense of the tax payer.

conclusion 2
This is when one of the staff members admitted she does carry a GOLLYWOG, her response is surprising stating that her grandson looks like one. Why on earth would her grandson say he looks like a GOLLYWOG, surely he looks ethnic/Afro-Caribbean if anything

ms goll
This is JRs response to behavior issues in the department. She insists nothing has happened and continues to lie. She does not find the allegations serious and does not think an innocent bystander taking the wrap for her misdemeanor is bad but all their fault.


This is Ken Ali confirming he lied against this former employee and his reason are even more shocking. This man was promoted to a senior manager.

invest ken 1invest ka 2

Maybe she could of mentioned the EP job issue and why this former employee got the blame for something he did not do. This statement is also minimal to prevent any unnecessary skeletons coming out of the cupboard


This is the costs the hospital endued to persist with the Cardiology department staff members false allegations. As you can see, thousands are wasted and this is not even the whole account. This is just for the paperwork. This is how Harefield Hospital waste taxpayers funds and money. Meanwhile, patients were being refused vital cancer and heart drugs as management stated they had no funds. This seems unlikely from this list for costs!


This is when Ken Ali was a little baby when he came from Trinidad and Tobago to Harefield in the 90′s. He scrapped his way to the top and did anything he could to make ends meet.

Ken Ali was doing nuisance phone calls on the Cardiology departments extension number in hope that this former employee would get the blame for it.This is why he submitted a statement stating he was receiving phone calls on his home phone when he wasn’t. The phone calls to the Cardiology department stopped once Ken Ali was confronted about this allegation by this former employee ultimately Ken withdrew his allegation. What a dirty man is Mushtaq, he would let an innocent man take the blame for something they never did meanwhile he gets a pat on the back by the Head of HR when he knows he has totally lied.

This is a meeting in the Cardiology department. As you can see, there are a number of staff conduct issues. Typical examples include patients privacy not being respected and protocols are now in place. Im not sure why protocols were not in place before this date. This means that staff were working without adhering to proper protocols thus putting patients at risk. JR says that she values her staff and their hard work. However, thats not what it sounds like from her statements against this former employee. In fact, she sounds spiteful as though she does not appreciate her staff. Even when this employee worked 70 hours a week was not good enough for because her spiteful allegations continued. So i don’t think she values her staffs hard work and most probably why so many people leave this department because they do not feel valued


non invasive 2

This is a newspaper article from last week. Its obvious that bullying in this hospital is above national average and these are the REPORTED INCIDENTS!

Harefield Gazette

Harefield hospital lying again.


JR IS A LIAR, She in no way shape or form tried to reconcile the situation, she caused it in the first place and stepped back and allowed this innocent bystander to take the wrap for her own misdemeanor whilst all the management and staff protected her so she can give them promotions in return. She deliberately states here that it was this former employees fault that Michael Octave stopped being the assessor when it wasn’t. She did not want Michael Octave doing the Head of EP job because hes BLACK! and blamed it on someone else who was physically assaulted because of this and ganged up upon by Michael Octave and all his senior friends



Sack the Chief Executive Robert Bell for this corruption and politics which innocent people are paying the price for at the bottom. ROBERT BELL IS PROMOTING THIS IN THE RANKS AND IS NOW DUCKING THIS FORMER EMPLOYEE BECAUSE HES AFRAID OF THE TRUTH!

This is when a staff member admits that she was spoken to by her line manager about being racist to patients. No action was taken against the perpetrator because the complaint apparently was not specific. In fact, it seems the perpetrator seems to not accept that she may have done this and that the line manager is now mysteriously not aware of it

jack 2

4th res

The hospital has also blocked Facebook to all employees in the Trust. The reason being is because the management and the Cardiology staff team are scared the whole world will find out what they are really like and therefore trying to contain the situation by keeping face in the hospital. Journalists are souring at the these stories published on this page as well as other internet sites

The Chief Executive Robert Bell is ducking this former employee because he knows that this employee speaks the truth and has the balls to speak about it publicly whilst JR is reprimanding staff not to mention this former employees name in the department or they will be disciplined. This is to prevent this employee to dish further allegations against the hospital

JRs line manager is actually a very nice woman. JR made her waste a load of time and energy to sack this former employee when JRs line manager never wanted to do it in the first place. She even pleaded with the dismissing manager not to do it. JR was not even apologetic to her about it. JRs line manager said to JR after this former employee was fired ‘Dont you ever make me do that again you nasty woman’. This is because JR is actually the evil one and her own line manager is actually a very nice lady who had to become the bad guy because JR made her

The public believe that the reason so many people get fired and lose their jobs at Harefield Hospitals Cardiology department is because they have extremely high standards of work. THIS IS FALSE!! The reason so many people lose their jobs is because gang warfare exists in this department where staff, including senior staff align themselves in a gang and start hurling false allegations and spitting poison. In fact, if you read Ken Alis statement about him receiving nuisance phone call, an allegations he withdrew makes it very clear that its this former employee that is at risk from the Cardiology staff members and this is after his dismissal too!

After the way Harefield Hospital behaved with this employee, they wanted to settle things and call it a day. After labelling this former employee a pedophile, a liar, a prick and a spastic, they somehow want to settle but by taking his possessions. This is very unusual, have they not done enough. As you can see, this former employee does not even talk or speak or write any statements but took a dignified approach and let the management at Harefield Hospital take the low road. They make further false allegations against him that he has been publishing material on the internet when he hasn’t and they also ask him not to contact current employees. I believe this is so they can contain the situation and so that current employees do not see how theses hospital staff and management behave. This is under the strict orders of the Chief Executive Robert Bell of course.


The reason why JR is ordering staff not to contact or communicate with this former employee is because she knows this is all her fault and the allegations that were being made were also false. She is afraid how big this issue can become because she knows she lied to cover herself up and implicate an innocent man with false allegations. Another reason is because she knows that she is the real bad guy in the situation. If current employees do not contact this former employee, then no one will know what she got up to and the matter is brushed under the carpet, just like the carrying of GOLLYWOGS IN THE DEPARTMENT

JR is secretly scared of Geoff Brown from HR. The reason is because every time he asks her a question in relation to an allegation this former employee has made, she gets all funny because she knows its true but cannot be honest enough to admit it. Her statements from two different investigations contraindicate one another and her denials are casual dishonesty. She even denied to her own line manager that she forced this former employee to stay all night in the department and work without sleep unpaid. As you can see, she is not aware of anything but this is once again another lie. She also says she cannot remember. This is when JR is lying as she can remember but does not want to disclose the information. She also states she has never been concerned about Julie Banks behavior, this is most probably because they are BEST FRIENDS!! Duh!! why would she be concerned!

When Ken Ali found out that this former employee did a really good project and he received good reviews. He started spreading rumors that the project was all copied and pasted off the internet. He withdrew the allegation one year later when he faced with this former employee. The reason he did this is because his wife who was also doing the same job was failing ALL HER EXAMS and Ken Ali wanted to put the focus on someone else so his wife can have a smooth journey even if it involved lies and even if an innocent person lost their job because of it. He is a real coward and the reason why no one trust or likes him in the Cardiology field.

Ken Alis wife got the job in the department of trainee cardiac physiologist because JR asked her to apply for it. Meanwhile Ken Ali spreaded rumors in the department if his wife did not get the job, he will leave (something that is yet to be done). On the other hand, Ken Ali pushed his wife towards Julie Banks (whom is JR best friend) and start getting very chatty with Julie Banks. JR shortlists 5 people from 108 applicants, one whom was Ken Alis wife. She interviews everyone and gives the job to Ken Alis wife. JR is dishonest, she went around the system to give the job to a senior staff members wife whose husband has a history of dishonesty. The taxpayer paid for the job advertisement and the manpower to shortlist applicants when she already had someone in mind to fill the role. She went through the whole procedure of advertising a job, shortlisting applicants, interviewing applicants just to give the job to the wife of a liar and blackmailer!

Once Ken Alis wife got the job, Ken Ali started promoting her by asking patients to give presents to his wife in response to tests his wife was doing on them. Two patients gave her champagne and one gave her flowers because Ken Ali asked them to do it so everyone will see how well his wife was doing when it was all pre-arranged. Ken Alis wife showed the presents to everyone in the department stating that it was all voluntary when in fact Ken Ali contacted them a day before the test was done and asked them to bring something nice for the technician that will be performing the test and he will make it up to them later on.

It is understood that the head of HR Terry Whites parents wanted to name him TERMITE but could not get the name legally put on his birth certificate so they just named him Terry White.

Ken Alis wife says that her sexy Ken has lost a lot of weight since his wiggle days. Judging by this picture, i think not! He is still a hippo in all its glory. In this picture, Ken was trying to unzip this patients trousers but could not quite manage it. He finally resorted to finding some food in his trousers and taking a picture of himself with it. The food was later eaten!


We hope Michael Octave never gets the EP job so he can constipate for the rest of his life

This is a picture of the Finance Director Mark Lambert humping Andrew Howlett and Terry ‘The Cherry’ White (with his extra berry making three berries). This was in retaliation to wasting so much of the taxpayers money on stupid decisions, lies and rumors! Andrew looks a bit unenthusiastic and it looks like Terrys enjoying himself


==> Terry ‘The Cherry’ White said to Mark to be careful of the third berry as its located in an unusual place.

I wonder if Michael Octave is so pissed off with Rob getting the Head of EP job that he will gang his friends up against him too and stir false allegations at him. Maybe Michael Octave aint got the balls to do that because Rob is experienced in the job and field and not vulnerable like a trainee was

This is the conclusion for the HR department about the attitude and behavior of the staff in the Cardiology Department. They comment on the falsified job descriptions also which were signed off so certain staff members make more money then others at the expense of the taxpayers. Even though this has now been sorted out, the problem remains that the money that has been lost for duties not carried out have to be paid back as its vital taxpayers funds. The Chief Executive Robert Bell has to decline his £25, 000 bonus for this year.

conclusionconclusion 2

Jackie Deamer is on sick leave again and no one knows when she will be back. This is not a coincidence she has been doing this for the last 10 years. She goes off sick for 8 months a year on full pay for the last 10 years whilst management allows it. Jackie should be managed under the sickness policy because the taxpayers are losing out

This is on top of the money wasted on flat screen TV’s in the Cardiology departments tea room and the falsified time-sheets and lets not talk about the 8 months sicknesses certain staff members have had on full pay because they have been faking their sicknesses just because they are too lazy to do the work

Jackie can also do other duties if one part of her anatomy isn’t working AGAIN! THE NHS IS NOT A CHARITY YOU KNOW

This is a letter that the hospitals lawyers sent this former employee. They were making further false allegations against him and labeling him a pedophile. They state in their letter ‘you are fully aware of why our client has referred you to the Independent Safeguarding Authority’. The reason was because this former employee uncovered the corruption in the management at this hospital. This is why the Chief Executive Robert Bell sacked the General Manager Andrew Howlett because the CEO agreed that the corruption existed. The lawyers also say that the allegations being made on this page are false and defamatory. Just by way of clarification, the allegations being made are being backed up with documented proof to prevent such a claim for defamation. Furthermore, its not defamation if the allegations are correct by the perpetrators own admission

3rd March

This is a staff members payslip. This is one of the women whom carry a gollywog openly in the department with her line managers JRs support. As you can see, she is on Band 5, a bit excessive for her role. This staff member amongst others are making an extra £6,000 a year because of this falsified job description at the expense of the taxpayer. She gets away with it because she is white. If it were an ethnic minority, it would result in the employee being fired and the police being called in for fraud! This extra money being made lasted over 10 years and has still not been paid back. Other false job descriptions also exist.


The thing about the Cardiology department is that they don’t know how to develop proper relationships with their staff. This is why so many people leave the department making similar or the same allegations.

The Chief executive Robert Bell does not want to try sorting this department and its issues out because he spends too much time in the Trusts office with his trousers down

This former employee says that if Michael Octave gave him the completed application form for the job of Head of Electrophysiology, he would photocopy it 100 times and then use it as toilet paper as that is all its worth. The same goes with his resignation letter

Ken Ali has a shitty book in the department labelled the ‘Kens Communication Book’. Its a book that openly in the department so everyone can see> Ken tries to make it look important by putting any old shit in there. The same book has been going for nearly 20 years and no one even recognizes it. The book is all ratty with the corners and binding coming off. Ken writes stuff like ‘How to use the alcohol hand rub’ in it.
I see an idea about toilet paper coming about again.

Ken Ali once became a laughing stock in the Cardiology department about 10 years ago when he openly stated that The Pope contacted him to come along and do a speech on Islam for the audience he was addressing. Everyone in the department laughed at this and Ken said that no one believed him because they are all racist. Its probably because the idea of the Pope doing something like that is absolutely Shit. Ken should of put that in his Communication Book as its relevant to Cardiology issues

Jackie Deamer goes up to Shirley Steel in the department and says to her openly that Christopher Columbus discovered America and Shirley Steel agrees with this. What these two spasmos need to realize is that Christopher Columbus did not discover America, black people were already there. This is another example of the Cardiology departments management overstepping their boundaries to promote racist behavior. These comments were made only last week.

The taxpayer is forking out tens of thousands of pounds on a Chief Executive Robert Bell and his fancy bonuses for jobs he or his management are not doing. This is abusing the funds given by the taxpayer. Robert Bell and JR encourage discrimination in the ranks against ethnic minorities and when these ethnic minorities report this, they are the ones whom lose their jobs whilst the perpetrators are protected in the process and no action gets declared against them. This is not the first time this has taken place but has been going on for decades. The taxpayer is footing the bill for court cases that the Chief Executive Robert Bell and JR initiated in the first place because they wanted to cover up racist behavior amongst staff and gollywogs being carried around so openly. The ethnic staff and the public are paying these two a hefty salary to astound these views and stating in official investigations that the allegations have not been substantiated. This is the cover up the Cardiology department is involved in, not only in patient deaths and then falsifying the records for it but also falsifying witness statements to sack innocent staff members in the process.

The problem with the Cardiology department at Harefield Hospital is that they have a problem with treating others equally and respecting diversity. Why do you think staff members like Jackie Deamer and Maureen Shepherd as well as others speak so vilely against ethnic minorities. They dish out allegation after allegations, regardless of whether they are true or not and cost innocent people their jobs whilst they carry on their discrimination against other ethnic minorities whom come by. The reason this is going on is because of the management issue in this department. The staff in this department can have views and keep it to themselves but when JR deny and protect the perpetrators, that is what makes the racism insidious because these slags are given the power behind the false and racially motivated allegations the staff make in this department. Everything after this point towards ethnic minorities being the bad guys because the most seniors in the department refuse to do anything about it. These slags love making the big money running a department like this at the expense of someone completely innocent losing their job. If this is not enough, these slags turn round and ask an ethnic minority called Ken Ali to dish out further false allegations after someone of ethnic minority lost their job just to add extra falsified punishments. Do you think the Chief Executive Robert Bell is going to do anything about when the heads of this department don’t do anything. I don’t think so. The taxpayer is forking out hundred of thousands of pounds to these sad fucks so they can espouse these views amongst ethnic minorities. Even Gollywogs are not recognized in this department, thats because the slags know that upper white management will take no action.

The thing about Mushtaq Ali is that when he was making and writing false witness statements against this former employee with false allegations embedded in it, he got too comfortable doing it because no one was challenging him on these. This is why he started doing it again and again and finally when he got caught, he had nothing to say. In fact, he was determined to not be as innocent as he makes out. It was concluded that he was playing his employer and this former employee against each other whilst he financially benefits in the process. This is a very untrustworthy and crafty human being. To say he was making money out of someone losing their job because of him in the first place is out of order but this is what the hospitals Cardiology Department promotes. When Mushtaq got caught, he did not go down on his own but started blaming it on other staff members in the department. He said the reason he lied was because everyone else was lying too and this is why everyone got in to trouble about this but sadly kept their jobs because the management at the hospital were supporting them through this difficult lying time. Mushtaq should of technically lost his job for it too but the management thanked him for his lies and took no action against him. The reason was because they are asking him to do it in the first place and because he works independently. This leaves him open to do it again. If that was not enough, it was the taxpayer who footed the bill for over £60k for these lies.


‘Mr Kipling’ Mushtaq Ali and the ‘drug addict, sleeping with a patient called Sonia Dos Santos’ Michael Octave have been saying to each other in the tea room in the Cardiology Department that the reason they lied about this former employee and got him fired because he was not man enough to stand up to those lies. This is because they are ignorant. They are trying to justify their lies and make themselves feel better. These two additional slags of the department have not got the balls to say anything to this former employees face because this former employee with drain the fat out of Mr Kipling and de-drug the spastic Mikey. Michael Octave especially talks so much shit that he actually starts believing it himself. This is actually because of his drug problem which is why his eyes are always red and hes always angry. JR is afraid to confront this spasmo about his behavior and how innocent people are implicated because of his lies because she is the one who caused it in the first place and because shes afraid that he might take out his whip on her because she did not want him doing the EP job but JR does not need to be scared because Mikey aint got the balls to do anything, he just expresses his anger by making false allegations, sweating and scratching his balls.

Mr Kipling Mushtaq Ali has been spreading more rumors about this former employee in the Cardiology tea room. He seems to always lie, even when he gets caught lying, he will carry on lying even more. Its a pity someone with a major weight problem like Mushtaq resorts to putting other people down when he should be the least confident in himself. The lord says ‘Thy will not be fucking greedy and eat everyone elses food on the dinner table’ but Mushtaq is an Anarchist so he does not believe in the word greedy.

The reason why Michael Octaves partner Sonia Dos Santos whom is a transplant patient of Harefield Hospital had a heart transplant was because god is punishing Michael Octave for lying and sacking his colleagues all the time. This is why he is always pissed off and has a problem smiling.

JR has been asking Shirley Steel to make more defame comments about this former employee. In fact, she was using Shirley to cover up her bad behavior and get the staff in the department to accept that she was never the problem and everything said about her is lies. Most of the departments staff know what to expect from these two because they do it very regularly. People do not even want to work at this hospital because they are afraid of losing their jobs with false allegations. The reason these two slags are defaming this former employees name is because they are afraid he is becoming a liability to their own credibility and others are losing confidence in them. JR out of all this is stating that she wants Maureen Shepherd and Jackie Deamer to be protected from all this because they are the women who do her dirty work for her whilst they get protected by the cronies slags of the department.

Jackie Deamer is going off sick again for 2 months. Jackie is going off on full pay, this is vital taxpayers money. Jackie has openly said in the department that she is going on holiday to St Lucia for a month. When staff have complained to JR about this, JRs response is ‘She really is sick this time’. JR would not be saying this if she was taking the money out of her own pocket.

Jackie Deamer has been making more racist comments in the department. She says that the Stephen Lawrence murder was not racist and somehow is justifying it. Mr Kipling said the other day in the department that him and his ugly daughter are going to the Opera. This is another example when Mushtaq, the coconut Kipling is trying to conceal his ethnicity. Its not like he understands opera for crying out loud. Hes more of a Hip-Hop kind of guy who listens to shit and lies through his teeth. What a dog wanker

The sick dog wanker Mushtaq the coconut Kipling has been saying the Cardiology Departments tea room that this former employee is a bastard and he hates him. Mushtaq needs to realise is that he is a liar and he was caught lying like the dog wanker he is.

JR has been asking her staff not to disclose any information from the department to anyone external as it is now causing her enormous problems. She has even gone one step further with her bad behavior and covering up her conduct issues. Because Michael Octave resigned from his job because he was not allowed to do the job of Head of Electrophysiology because hes black and because this former employee spilled the beans by telling her bosses this, she has decided to reward Michael Octave for covering this issue up by offering him to do private work for his new independent company. This company takes the workload off of the Cardiology department by doing the Cardiac tests which JRs staff are suppose to be doing in the first place. Michael Octave has a contract with JR to do this and he is now actually making more money then he did before he resigned. JR has even asked her sister-in-law to give him another contract at another local hospital which means he makes even more significant money. Have you wondered why it is Harefield Hospitals Cardiology Department that has the contract and not the Royal Brompton Hospital which is the same organization. All in return JR wants is Michael Octave keep his mouth shut about why he resigned and why he lied against this former employee. This is a very novel tactic, The taxpayer is footing the bill for tens of thousands of pounds just because JR is trying to conceal her politics and discrimination. Is it actually necessary to have someone like this operating in the NHS which is deliberately wasting the taxpayers funds for her own misdemeanors. This is on top of falsified job descriptions

The management has been recently labeling one of their friends in the department called Jackie Deamer as a ‘Senior Cardiographer’. This is a little misleading to the public because Jackie is not a Senior Cardiographer and this role has been exaggerated so Jackie makes more money. As you have seen in previous documents, Jackies job description was initially falsified so she makes more money. Jackie repayed the favor by asking her family and husband to carry out a ram-raid on the ATM on the main reception of the hospital.

JR has recently given Michael Octave a very hefty contract with his private company called Zebra Medical Limited. This is a fraudulent company where Michael Octave bypasses standard checks so he can involve himself with patients just like the innocent Sonia Dos Santos. JR is paying Michael Octave all this money from the budget which is the taxpayers funds to keep him quite about why he resigned and JRs racial issues against black people. Michael Octave is a very savvy businessman where his silence has actually landed him 6-7 times more money per year then he did before he resigned. Plus if Michael Octave speaks the truth (which he never does) then JR and her sister in law will take away their Cardiology service contracts which is 2/5ths of his companies valuation and if that happens, then Michael Octaves other company directors will not be happy with him. He might even have to resign from this job too!

Michael Octave has been saying to everyone in the Cardiology Department that when he sees this former employee, he will knock him out. This former employee however, is not shitting himself because he says that Michael Octave is a piece of shit who popped out of the wrong hole. He only got refused the job of Head of Electrophysiology because hes a piece of shit. He started crying to JR in her office and cried and cried and cried about why he did not get this job. Michael Octave was so shocked at this, he cried his way to resignation. Even when he handing his resignation in, he had tears coming down his face. Eventually JR felt sorry for him and gave him some bank work to do in the department so he has some dignity left over but Mikey did not realize that he was just shat upon and he picked it back up. Now he is working in the Cardiology department with his dignity in tatters. What else can you get from pricks like this apart from running around for biopsies for Sonia Dos Santos. This is a personal punishment to Michael Octave directly from god which will last him forever.

Mushtaq ‘The Coconut Kipling’ was in the Cardiology departments tea room the other day and he was saying that they whole department is picking on him and targeting him for no apparent reason. He further goes on to say that ever since this former ethnic minority employee was fired, then everyone is now coming after him. This is rich coming from someone who lies in writing and submits false witness statements. Maybe this is why they pick on him.

Michael Octave and his company zebra Medical is in a lot of trouble at the moment because now the Chief Executive Robert Bell is looking in to this company and the purpose why it has a hefty contract with JR . This is a fraudulent contract to keep Michael Octave quite from revealing why he resigned. This is paid for by the taxpayer and is being used as a cover up to conceal the real truth.

JR is feeling very bitter at the moment over allegations on the internet about her. In fact, the most horrid allegations being made by her now is that a staff members payslip has been published online which was excessive in its own right and under falsified job descriptions which JR signed off. Furthermore, Michael Octaves company Zebra Medical is also creating similar problems with Finances which are coming out of the taxpayers purse. Another concern JR is having the moment is the issue about Jackie Deamer and her Husband and family carrying out a ram-raid on the ATM at the reception of the hospital. JR refutely denies this because she could not believe her friends could carry out such deeds considering they are making enough money from falsified job descriptions. The problem is Jackie openly admitted this in the department and the reason why JR is protecting her in this is because maybe she was also involved in this ram-raid. I mean, how else does JR live such a lavish lifestyle with casual false job descriptions and false medical contracts with fake companies.

Is the Chief Executive Robert Bell going to utilize his second rate degree in Business Administration and do something to control this or is he sitting in his office with his trousers down asking Andy ‘HBGay’ Howlett to suck his balls in front of the Notorious Harry Porker. Robert Bells degree states that he is just a glorified secretary, no one knows how he got his job as a Chief Executive.

The Divisional Head of Human Resources Geoff Brown has been recently forging documents to incriminate this former employee and other former employees. Hes claiming everyone is a pedophile when in fact he is the one who has a pedophilia issue. He stole his line managers Terry ‘Nipple-T’ Whites job because Geoff could not make proper decisions about employee relationships. Nipple-T lost his job because no one any longer trusted him, all because Geoff ‘The Poof’ Brown got big headed with all the power he has been given by the Chief executive Bob Bell. The glorified secretary!!!

This is one of the two slags who carry a Gollywog in the Cardiology Department. She is constantly lying. In fact, her lies have gone so far that she now involves a senior staff members children in it and quotes this former employee as saying it. She is referring to her friend Shirley whom they have a really good relationship with. Apparently this former employee said that Shirley children do not belong to her partners. This allegation was totally false and Jackie is deliberately trying to label her friend Shirley as a victim of this former employees behavior. In fact, the real story here is that this former employee did not say anything about Shirley or her children as it was not his business but obviously Jackie has her views but then again, she does work under a false job description which is a direct link to her character and the tax payers purse.

This is the gollywog carrier Maureen Shepherd chatting her shit again. She believes god gave her a mouth to excrete from. This allegation was also false. This former employee did no such thing but i guess someone whom carries a Gollywog would definitely talk so low of an ethnic minority employee. Maureen goes on to say to say she will take civil action against this former employee for just existing and having a life. This is how racist she is which goes beyond the gollywog. She says she cannot afford civil action so just had to work with this former employee but if you look at her payslip, she earns a lot of money under a false job description and false banding. She can definitely afford civil action but is just being stingy as usual. Also a solicitor might put her in a mental institute for instigating a poor innocent ethnic minority employee with her racial rages. Im sure she was the type of woman who would not pay for civil action but just get legal aid to do and if they did not pay, she would moan the fuck out of them until they

Maureen ‘The German’ Shepherd for many years was carrying gollywogs in the Cardiology department. The german shepherd retired with her fraudulent pension and false job description. Why else would someone consistently claim they dont know anything going on. The problem is this is all coming out of the good old taxpayers pocket which JR is not that bothered about.

Jackie Deamer and her Weezy husband are now plotting another ram-raid and this time it is planned for a corner convenience store in Ruislip high street. Jackie openly has admitted this in the department. She is planning to do it during her sickness which is right now. No one know when she will be coming back and she is on full pay during this time. Maybe the Trust should deduct it from her salary the amount she ram-raid and will ram-raid in the future.

Mushtaq the Kokonut Kipling is keeping a low profile in the Cardiology department. Thisn is somewhat strange as he is always outspoken. In fact, he is so outspoken that he speaks shit and lies. He only withdrew his allegations at the Employment Tribunal because he tried to cover himself up for charging money from this former employee for a reference. In fact, because he lies so much, he should of technically be dismissed from the job because this former employee also lost their job because of this mans lying. As an ethnic minority, Mushtaq needs to stick up for his own people but decides to go down a political road and lie and canive until he got caught. The reason he did not lose his job for this is because his line manager and the upper management were encouraging him to do this to prevent being labelled as a racist organisation.

Michael Octave is saying to everyone that he is feeling emotionally traumatised by reading all the allegations made against him on the internet. In fact, he believes, he should have the right to lie and canive freely again and again. The only problem is he hasnt been actually caught doing it because everytime it comes to question him about his false claims, he is never available. This was one of the reasons JR did not want him doing the Head of Electrophysiology job was because hes always working on the agency making money and not dedicated to the department who made him what he is today. Which is a no-good lying canniving worthless piece of shit.

Harefield Hospitals Chief executive Robert Bell has been splashing the taxpayers money around like its a charity. This time he has wasted £1.2 Million on a court case with the department of Health which he lost. what a loser. This money is coming out of the publics purse. Robbo was only challenging the procedure of the Department of Healths not consulting with the Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust. In fact, even if Harefield Hospital won this court case, they would be granted a review which means the department of health would follow the correct procedure and still come to the same decision. Why would the Department of Health be pushed around by a low life Chief Executive Robert Bell who does not follow proper employment procedures himself. Lets looks at the amount of fraud that goes on in his organisation. The false timesheets and false job descriptions is to mention a few. The department of health did the right thing as this hospital deserves nothing. Now £1.2 Million has been wasted, this will come out of the purses of the taxpayers. This money could of built more wards, employed over a 100 doctors for a year, employed nurses and other healthcare professionals but robert Bell decided to fight a court case which he lost just like he lost his hair on his head making him the bald board room fuck that he is. Now he has to recover this money by reclaiming it out of the false job descriptions for Jackie Deamer and Maureen shepherd. It mights not be much for now but every penny counts.

I hope the chief executive Bob Bell is going to refuse his £25, 000 bonus this year considering he failed in his attempt to overturn a procedure which was completed correctly by the Department of Health. Its the same sort of procedure he follows when he lays his staff off whilst he continues living the high life on the blood of all the taxpayers. This is on top of his basic Administration degree which is classed as nothing. It puts forward that he should be a secretary at the most. nobody knows how he made it to chief executive.

Michael Octave and JR are now claiming in the department that they are the innocent parties in the allegations made against them. In fact, they claim this former employee is the bad one when in fact he is the good one who stands up for the right reasons. JR does not like this because it undermines her control and power in public and now she is holding on to false claims against this former employee. Both these piglets are claiming that this is very traumatic for them but if you look at their statements against this former employee and other former employees in the department, it is quite clear that the way they talk about others is what is traumatic but because the piglets are selfish and not capable of being held responsible for their own behaviour that they hold others responsible for causing innocent people to lose their jobs over. The only thing traumatic here is the hate campaign that JR and Michael Octave endure others through.

The Head of HR Geoff Brown has been making announcement sin the Cardiology Department about not wanting to give this former employee any information as its all being leaked on the internet. Recently, a staff member who claims to be a qualified Cardiac Physiologist Ian Velasques is supposed to technically be on a band 5 payscale but has been put on a band 6 payscale by claiming to the Human Resources department that he is qualified when he has not completed his degree. This puts patients at risk and furthermore defrauds the taxpayer once again. This has been going on for 2 years now.

When Michael Octave was refused the job of Head of Electrophysiology by JR , Michael Octave spreaded rumours in the entire department claiming he wanted the job because he was having financial problems. This sick dog wanker makes nearly £80, 000 a year with his basic part time salary of £2, 500 a month, his 5 properties all on rent, his agency money he makes which is £55 an hour, His bank work at Harefield Hospital making another £55 an hour and his current business ventures. How the fuck is he having financial problems. Maybe he should lower his high standard of living and then claim financial hardship. This sympathy plea from Michael did not work with JR because JR knows hes a piece of shit who will do anything to get what he wants, usually by lying. Other people in the world are way worst off financially but they dont bitch and moan against innocent people in the process.

Michael Octave has recently had a baby girl. This is somewhat a shame because it concerning that ugly fucks like this are now reproducing and reproducing ugly offspring as well. Looks like Sonia Dos Santos did not refuse him a baby like JR refused him the EP job. In the meantime, JR has been keeping quite in relation to this former employee. The reason being is because everyone across the NHS have now found out what she has been doing and what she did to this former employee. In the meantime, Michael Octave and JR have been using Michaels company Zebra Medical to defraud the taxpayer of more money. JR has initially denied the claims but if you take a look at Michael Octaves company website, he clearly states that he has a contract with Harefield Hospital so once again JR is lying. Where will all this dishonesty end, maybe when the money comes out of these two slags pocket.


On the other hand, a picture of Mushtaq ‘The Kokonut Kipling’ has surfaced showing him hard at work. You know hes not working. He looks very dodgy in this picture, hes probably planning to start a terrorist war against an innocent nation and when he gets challenged with the allegations, he will immediately withdraw them.


This is a picture Mikey (no likey) Octave. As you can see, he finds something very funny. This was before he was refused the job of Head of Electrophysiology and which an innocent man took a hate campaign because of. Remember this face because you will never forget it. Its a human mongrel and he will lie to set you up under any terms. Dont let the smiling trick you because he is a very dodgy character. Hes a real life coconut. He lied against all ethnic staff for many years and ran them all out of the Cardiology Department at Harefield Hospital so he could side with the white people. When it came down to applying for the Head of EP, it was a white lady who turned round and fucked him over. Haha, shame. He deserved it for the many years of misery he put innocent staff members through. He was so shocked at JR for doing this that he went on a rampage in the department but in reality and seriousness, JR should of got a medal for this. This is single handedly one of the best things JR has ever done. Good on her for refusing this prick that job. He had an attitude problem as a Band 7, he would become uncontrollable as a Band 8 plus he was not doing the training manager job properly. He does not work hard at all, he is a lazy and no good.


JR has been on annual leave for a while now and Jackies off sick too. When will all this fraud stop. Now JR has not been checking staff members previous qualifications on their application form. A staff member claims to have a medical degree but does not really. In fact, they are not qualified to do the Cardiac Physiologist job but JR has ignored this in return for some hate campaigns against other innocent staff members. No wonder JR is on annual leave, all the allegations that she usually made against this former employee is now being made against her. Michael Octaves company on the other hand is in some trouble at the moment as its being accused of being responsible for money being laundered through it. I hope its not taxpayers money being laundered through it otherwise Bob Bell, the Chief executive needs to get his arse up and get involved.

Geoff Brown has been making more announcements in the Cardiology Department. This time they are claiming that this ex-employee and his associates are receiving information from the department as a result of the internal staff. This should not surprise these old fags because whats happening now is that the current staff have lost confidence in the hospital and its management are therefore disclosing paperwork and information to this ex-employee and their associates because the current employees are afraid that JRs power trip might be exercised on them so they have to now to protect themselves. The management at the Hospital are not naming this ex-employee too much because they are afraid this ex-employees is becoming some sort of an icon of the organisation and current employees are sticking up for this ex-employee because this ex-employee has the balls to stand up against the power hungry JR and her gang of falsified job description friends. JR has come back from her annual leave but surprisingly Jackie Deamer has now gone off sick again. What ever will happen about managing sick staff or should we say NOT SICK staff. In the meantime, Mushtaq the kokonut Kipling is a bit depressed because his role as senior chief of training does not involve too much responsibility. This is because JR dow not want him having too much responsibility because he cannot be trusted due to the fact of him withdrawing his falsified allegations at the employment tribunal. This is a shame. Maybe Mushtaq should contact the Pope about any jobs he needs doing like giving a speech on Islam and put it in to his communication shit book

This is a false statement from the Head of HR Geoff Brown of Harefield Hospital. As you can see, he makes further false statements against this ex-employee claiming that this ex-employee has been now inviting patients for surgery. This is his indirect way of calling this ex-employee a Paedophile. This is all been ordered by the Chief executive Robert Bell whom is asking his management to do this to ex-employees to make himself feel powerful. This is on top of his £1.2 Million court case rampage against the JCPCT. Like it has been said before, Geoff Brown stole his line managers job because he was not doing his £80, 000 a year job properly in the first place. He was responsible for sacking this ex-employee for playing the same type of politics because this ex-employee made an allegation of racism, an allegation which has surfaced again and again by other employees too.

gbJackie and her whole family are ram-raiders and common criminals. Jackie and her Husband and sons plotted to ram-raid the ATM the very night the money was put in to the ATM. This happened while Jackie and her husband had a stall on the main reception of the hospital selling stolen goods claiming they made it themselves. This is when Jackie and her husband Weezy Deamer saw the money being put in to the ATM. Before you know it, a ram raid occurs that very night and Jackie started claiming to everyone in the hospital that she saw the money put in the day before. This is somewhat very convenient.

Weezy Deamer is claiming benefits on false pretences as well. He sits at home all day looking for ways to steal from peoples homes and ATMs. He worked in construction but deliberately claimed he was injured so he can sue his employer and get early retirement on medical grounds. He seems to be fit as a fiddle because he jumps up and down in the Cardiology department every week even getting in to pub fights. Now you know why Jackie is always off sick because she claims she cant work because her hands hurt because of all those ‘stressful ECGs’. This ex-employee managed to do it with no problems so why cant Jackie do it. Her hands are ok to transport stolen goods so why not to do ECGs.

Maureen Shepherd has been coming in to the Cardiology Department again and sitting down. She sits round (like she always did) and gossips about how life is fucking her over. After all those years of false job descriptions and claiming money under a false banding and also claiming false full pay sicknesses, this woman is somehow not only defrauded the taxpayer to the extreme but did it with JRs support. Now Maureen the German Shepherd comes in to the Cardiology department where sensitive patients medical files are available and present so Maureen can defraud the taxpayers even more now. This is now integrated with all the dishonesty she put out against this ex-employee. Maureen is a threat to the taxpayer and now has access to patient files when she is now retires on her Band 5. If she wants to come to the department, she should report to the reception and call her slag friends out if she wants to gossip but this should only be during the lunch times or in the staff members break times.

Michael Octave has now been working at Harefield Hospitals staff bank for nearly 4 and a half years making £55 an hour. This is all because he resigned in the first place because Michael Octave working on the staff bank for this length of time is a breach of the NHS Code. The reason being is because if someone is working on the staff bank or agency in a hospital for two years or more, the NHS and the Trust have a duty to minimize their losses by either offering Michael Octave full time employment or letting him go completely. Now the taxpayer is paying more and more money to Michael Octave.

There was a fire alarm drill in Harefield Hospital Cardiology department the other day and JR was acting like the fire marshall. Im sure she could could of put it in to someone elses falsified job description and made them do it or maybe NOT MAKE THEM DO IT BUT JUST PAY THEM FOR IT with false job descriptions.

The Chief Executive Bob Bell has been making more announcements in his gay board room. This time he has done so with his trousers on. He says that the communications team and the Heart Division have taken over the work to calm the allegations made against himself and the hospital but its not being done properly. Bob Bell said something needs to be done quick because now a journalist has been asking questions too in the public board meetings.

You probably wonder why some lying staff members in the Cardiology Department have had ill fate over the last few years. Lets take the following examples, Julie Banks dies because she was constantly having Atrial Fibrillation EP procedures done causing her to become addicted to the procedure. God punished her by doing what he did to her for lying against this ex-employee. It was Michael Octave who was doing this EP procedure as well which was botched, no wonder he was not allowed to do the EP job because the patients are at risk and to say the taxpayer pays all this money to him per hour. on another note, Michael Octaves ugly partner Sonia Dos Santos also had a heart transplant. You know why this is as well because god is punishing Michael Octave for his lies all the time. Even Inderlal patel left making the same allegations against him. This is why Sonia always has rejecting going on because she cant stand Michael Octave and he puts too much stress on her by looking at her with his mongrel face.

Michael Octave and Mushtaq the Kokonut Kipling have been spreading more rumours about this ex-employee in the Cardiology department. Thats the problems with these two fags is that they can only behave like this in Harefield Hospital, that is why they choose to stay there because no other department would take their lies.

Robert Bell is on another planet and has been having board room meetings after the original public board room meetings. This unusual turn is called the Private Part 2 board meeting. This is where this prick Bob Bell discusses this ex-employee and what the next steps are against the campaign against them. This ex-employee is not shitting themselves anyway because Bob Bell cant do anything as his management are to blame for all this in the first place.

Maureen ‘The Racist German’ Shepherd has been feeling sorry for herself recently. She came in the Cardiology Department and claimed she had ill health on her. No one should feel sorry for this fat slag because she has been responsible for spreading false and vile derogatory rumours about employees again and again and ran them all out of the department so good for her and her ill health because she deserves it the overpaid Hippo.

Jackie and Weezy deamer have been claiming that this ex-employee is fabricating allegations against them. In fact, they totally refute the ATM ram raid at Harefield hospitals main reception but accept selling stolen goods and being bad parents to their children. Jackie openly claims her sons all have ASBOS (for all you international readers, an ASBO in the UK is an Anti Social Behaviour Order given by the police, its usually given to tramps that live on streets whose parents failed them because they were too busy drinking and taking drugs or in Jackies case, probably stealing from hospitals and the neighbourhood).

Jackie Deamer claimed earlier this week that the reason she was late to work was because she got stuck ‘behind a mercedez car driven by an indian woman’. jackie seems to blame everything on ethnic minorities even her accountability to come to work. This is on top of her heavy full pay sicknesses. Jackie claims her children are all retards with ASBOS because immigration caused it. Jackie needs to accept that it wasnt immigrations fault but her bad drunken parenting skills that caused it. I mean, this ex employee doesnt have an ASBO so why should Jackie justify this with immigration issues. If she doesnt like living in England, she can bloody well leave out country and go on a permanent holiday to a country where she will remain permanently orange in colour.

This is a picture of Jackie and her husband Weezy Deamer. You probably guessing which one is which, your guess is as a good as ours. you have to feel sorry for Weezy deamer, hes actually quite a nice guy, just has to tolerate a lazy orange wife who stayed in the sun too long and her bad habits. I mean, which women in their right mind would fail their children in their upbringing and justify it with racism. Im not sure why Jackie is wearing that blue shit for, it looks stupid plus womens clothes dont suit Jackie with the orange mans haircut!



This is Geoff Brown from the hospitals HR department, he submits false statements to third parties claiming Paedophilia against this innocent ex employee. What a lying gay lord. He should mention how he now lives with the hospitals ex General Manager Andrew Howlett who rides in a pig van called Harry Porker. Lets not forget when Nipple-T stole his oyster card and started using it in the harefield area. He should take a look in the mirror and determine why he lives with a man (or a man dog who wears a nappy) and has disgracefully accepted a pig van as his own son.


Maureen with her fat cellulite arse claimed in the Cardiology Department that she was once 6 1/2 stone. We find this very hard to believe, maybe the weight of her scissor tongue might weigh this much but we doubt she did as a whole. This ex employee asked her many times very nicely to do some ECGs and to go in the far corner of the ECG cubicle, not the near but the far corner and stay there for the whole morning to do the ECGs without stumbling her big fat arse back in to the main department to sit her gigantic seat denting arse on the expensive department chairs and damaging them. She hardly managed one ECG before she came back in the department to spread rumors about others who were working, what makes this situation even worse is that she was working on a Band 5 pay-scale.

Maureen and Jackie got together and stumbled, stumbled and by god they stumbled, all in the aid of not doing any ECGs but working on the Band 5. It makes you wonder how these two fat ugly white and orange trash got away with it for so many years. Maureen was especially the biggest lying, gossiping, fat, no good, out of shape, lazy, bitchy, ratty, mouthy, trampy, high earning, skiving TURD! She started making claims against this ex employee and their family carrying out fraud all the time but these allegations were false. The reason this fat arse was making these allegations all the time was because she knew she was a band 5 and defrauding the taxpayer with the knowledge of her line manager and if this was not enough, she skived off with fabricated false sicknesses which were on full pay, something the taxpayer was paying for also. Jackie on the other hand is not as innocent as she makes out. She goes on expensive holidays every few months after she sells all her stolen goods from her stall and goes abroad to steal more. She also make false claims against this ex employee. Jackie failed all her exams and her Part 1 and Part 2. This is very strange because she worked as a Cardiographer so she is not eligible to do the Part 2. Jackie has her own plans anyway. She deliberately wants to qualify as a Cardiac Physiologist and become a Band 6 so she can use this band 6 ad go off sick again and again and make more money doing so. It is understood she works on her stall when she is off sick to make more extra money from her stolen goods sell program.

Jackies off sick again. You probably wonder how she gets away with it for all these years. Its simple, her line manager allows her to do it. If this ex-employee was off sick this many times, they would be fired after the first week. This is full pay sickness as well. Jackie also has a cast for her hand and leg at home which she uses when she feels like a 3 month skive is on its way. She wears it sometimes claiming it was from the hospital but its actually from her home which she uses again and again. On the other hand, Jackie has been telling everyone in the department that her burglar son is joining the army. I’m sure this will only happen when his ASBO runs out. He probably wants to join the army so he can commit crimes legally and get away with it just like Jackie, the Orange Transvestite Hermaphrodite tought him to.

This is Mushtaq ‘The Kokonut Kipling’ with some friends from Harefield Hospital. These are the people who do not know that he lies about them behind their back. See how he lets his belly hang out, not very respectable of him. Wait a minute! is that a moustache!!


Mushtaq ‘The Kokonut kipling’ wins a award for late puberty and he celebrates it the Muslim way by holding a bottle of Champaign – A very true Kokonut. He even shows off his Puberty spot on top of his lip. This is to show everyone in the hospital that he is a REAL Man and not the immature little lying childish fat bastard he really is. His new name after this picture is MOUSTACHE ‘THE KOKONUT KIPLING’!


This is the Mongrel Mikey ‘No likey’ Octave with his semi Mongrel offspring he created with a patient called Sonia Dos Santos. Together they are very ugly fucks of the community but still not as ugly as MOUSTACHE ‘THE KOKONUT KIPLING and his fat belly!!


Michael Octave has been telling the management at Harefield Hospital that the reason he resigned in 2008 was because he wanted to start his own business. This is fabricated. He resigned in 2008 because he claimed he lost confidence in JR and could not trust her. He opened his company in 2011. This is 3 years after he resigned, in the meantime he was still working on the staff bank making a hefty £55 an hour. He is only sticking up for JR now because he wants to keep that lovely contract with his company Zebra Medical, a tool he has used for the last 2 years. To say the taxpayer is footing the bill for all these lies and politics is beyond belief. Its obvious the Chief executive Bob Bell aint got the balls to investigate all this properly and stop it. Its probably because hes more worried about raking in the £25,000 bonus a year he makes on top of his salary for doing fuck all!

The Orange Hermaphrodite Transvestite Jackie Deamer openly claims in the department that her niece had a drugs overdose and this is all the fault of ethnic minorities for ‘bringing their dirty drugs in our country’. Surely its no one elses fault when someone takes drugs but their own. Jackies niece probably learnt the behaviour from Jackie and her family. Jackie Deamer even tried to blame the overdose on this ex employee once but the real truth is that if Jackie and her family were doing their jobs properly then no one would be taking drugs in the first place. Jackie was most probably trying to make an excuse to get upset so she can go off on extended sickness.

Jackie use to talk so bad but when she gets confronted and challenged, she just starts crying. Shes not as tough of a character as she makes out. Mushtaq ‘The Kokonut Kipling’ also claims to have a very good relationship with Jackie but Mushtaq is just trying to be clever how he handles the situation. He knows Jackie has the tendency to go on a rampage so what Mushtaq does is he wants to keep clear of this behaviour of Jackies so he just does what she says. If only Mushtaq would suck his fat belly in and just be himself, he will have nothing to worry about but because he lies so much, he has no other issues except try to play politics. Something that worked against him in the Employment Tribunal when he withdrew all his allegations against this innocent ex employee.

This is the financial information of Michael Octaves company Zebra Medical LTD. He claims he resigned because he wanted to start his own business. This has been deliberately twisted in his favour. He created the company on 11th May 2009, two months after his resignation but this was just him submitting the incorporation documents. He actually started trading with this company in August 2010. If you look at his financial information, he did not pay the tax until August 2010. This is after JR offered him these contracts with Hillingdon Hospital and Harefield Hospital. This is also after this ex employee reported the issue, in fact, many months later JR offered Michael Octave these political contracts. This is very crafty of JR where she is running around like a headless chicken trying to cover her tracks by offering more taxpayers money in the process. This company is also a limited company which means Michael Octave does not want full liability if something goes wrong just like he was a limited liability training manager at Harefield Hospital where he did not want to take responsibility for signing inaccurate logbooks which he deliberately mis-advised this ex employee. Michaels company also does not include another shareholder or company invester which is Professor Michael Henien. Surely £20, 000 from Professor Henien should be accounted for but what Michael Octave is doing is claiming he is not making much profit so therefore does not have to pay too much tax, in fact, he gets full exemption. I wonder if the contract with Harefield Hospital also includes private patients and whether these are included in his tax returns. Probably not. Im sure though JR will find a way around it just like she found a way around her friends job descriptions. Surprisingly Harefield Hospital does business with limited companies, we thought they were too big for that!


The lazy orange racist transvestite Jackie Deamer is planning to go on another 3 month bender. This time on full pay sickness. This is at the expense of the taxpayer whom Jackie thinks is a charity case. Not only is she lazy and racist but she is lazy and likes to live a fancy high life. In 2008, she did a fake charity marathon run claiming it was for Breast Cancer Research. She made a total of £600-700. This money was not given to any charities and its not even confirmed whether she did the marathon because she never trained for it or neither did anyone see her do it. This is on top of the ATM ram raid that her and her family did on the hospitals main reception ATM the very night the money was put in. She probably needed the money to buy alcohol and drugs so her and her family can get high on charity money. No one confronted her about it because she would probably start crying and go off sick again claiming the criticism made her ill.

The racist transvestite Jackie Deamer has been trying to disappear from the main department again by claiming she needs to go to drop paperwork off to other department. This is an excuse so she can disappear for a whole hour to go on the internet in the outpatients section/department of the hospital. This is when she advertises her stolen goods on Amazon. However, this is not working out well for her because her friend Shirley is making sure that Jackie is always doing ECGs considering the vast number of staff whom have left because of Jackies behavior in the first place over the years and some even losing their jobs because she lies about them or spread false rumors about them because of her racist nature. This is now making Jackie a bit sick as she usually use to get away with this sort of behavior but now she is being forced to work. What makes Jackies laziness worse is her drink problem. Have you wondered why she never goes on Christmas parties? its because she cant help herself when alcohol is around and her behaviour becomes unpredictable. She once even started an affair with a doctor called Mark in 2008 which lasted a whole year. This is very inappropriate of Jackie as she is a married woman. She probably was only sleeping with the doctor Mark because she was after his money and a promotion. She even got off with the Clinical Director Charles Ilsley once in the main cardiology department in front of everyone. This all happened whilst her husband was at home sick from his work and her sons were in prison for Burglary.


Jackie was deliberately asking patients to make complaints against this innocent ex employee whilst this ex employee was at college or on annual leave. She did this by opening the curtain to the main department (whilst the patient is on the bed having an ECG done) and talking to an empty room. This usually happened early in the morning or when no one else was around. Once these elderly and vulnerable patients made complaints to management whom were aware of the campaign that Jackie was instigating against this innocent ex employee covered it all up and brushed it all under the carpet.

Another example of false job descriptions is based on an allegation by Raheel who claims that Rudolf Ian Velasquez is on a Band 6 when he has not passed his clinical training and finished his Dissertation from the college he is suppose to be studying at. Rudolf has evaded completing his degree because he keeps failing but still getting a promotion in the banding so he makes more money. This is why no one in the department likes Rudolf and thus rather then solve this sort of behavior in the department, she encourages it by giving someone who is supposed to be a percentage of band 5 get a full Band 6. Rudolf has also been instigating a hate campaign against Raheel, something Raheel cannot do anything about.

well but too selfish and dishonest to own up and tell the truth.

Michael Octave claims that he feels exhausted by reading these allegations and that everyone has read it and it is now questioning his professionalism. When this wanker was speaking so low against this innocent ex employee and asking management to ‘let them go’, was this not questioning someone else professionalism. Michael Octave is a selfish bald headed bastard who does not look at his own dirty lies and false claims which cost innocent staff their jobs and a substantial amount of them left the department because of his behaviour. The real heros of the Cardiology Department are the ones who left and started their careers in other hospitals because JR and Michael Octave and all their friends ran them all out by lying about them all the time. When Michael Octave was lying about this innocent ex employee because he held them responsible for him not getting the EP job, then Michael Octave gave up his right to not have his professionalism questioned or scrutinized. Michael Octave is a lying, jealous old bastard who saw gollywogs lying around in the department and refused to do anything about it even though he’s black. He claimed he is not offended by this and that black people need to ‘grow up’. You know this man Michael Octave is a real son of a bitch where he goes against ethnic minorities to suit his own needs. This is why when he was refused the EP job, he tried to run to as many ethnic minorities as possible to help him fight a racist case against JR but all ethnic minorities in the hospital including this ex employee told Michael Octave to go and fuck himself because he sold out a long time ago then sold out again to his agency work which took all his priority.

Mustache Mushtaq ‘The kokonut kipling’ Ali has this shitty book in the department called the ‘Kens Communication Book’. This book has been around for over 20 years and never been renewed. You know it doesn’t mean much because no one writes in it. Oh actually, there are some people who write in it, Mushtaqs masters Maureen Shepherd and Jackie Deamer whom Mushtaq has to keep sweet so they don’t run him out as well. This is why a kokonut like him has survived for so long, its because he does what the troublemakers in the department ask him to do. Maureen and Jackie use to always write in this book because no one else in the department in a senior role would give two shits about what these two slags have to say. If it comes from Mushtaqs mouth, it might be slightly credible because Maureen and Jackie will be there to back him up. This is how these two trampy slags got their band 5 by doing things like this and why there work hours are 8.30 – 4.30 but even then they don’t do these work hours. The department is run between 9-5 and considering Jackies already extended sickness until the present day, she has no right to make these requests until her sickness absence improves or at least if its unpaid sicknesses.

Remember when Michael Octave got refused the EP job from JR and Michael Octave got all his friends to target this innocent ex employee including his best friend Robert Bougard. When Michael Octave and Robert Bougard were questioned about this, they denied everything (as usual). This document below shows you how good Rob Bougard and Michael Octaves friendship is. In fact, they own a company called Protea Healthcare Limited in which these two pricks are the company directors. Its strange how this company shows how good these two pricks friendship is. What makes matters worse is that JR declined to confirm this. She claimed all the allegations made against this innocent ex employee are true because shes a jealous lazy dumb arse. Its funny how the rich get richer in Harefield Hospitals Cardiology Department. Whats worse is Michael Octave and JR seem to be getting richer because they invest taxpayers money in to company contracts which are not needed and what the permanent staff in the department are there to do. No wonder Rob Bougard was sensitive about Michael Octave being refused the EP job and started complaining about this innocent ex employee unneccessarily, he thought his company will be financially affected too. What a couple of selfish bastards. I wonder how JR will cover this allegation up now.

What people dont understand about Ken ‘The Kokonut’ Ali is that he is a dirty lying bastard. He is a real life criminal. He speaks badly about others when they are not around to defend themselves. When these staff members are face to face with him, he either does not make any allegations or if he already has, he will withdraw them immediately. Do not trust this man under any terms, he will lie and set you up because of his own insecurities and then lie to you in your face. He tried to lie in this ex employees face at the employment tribunal but the allegations he made were so extraordinary that he knew it was too good to be true. He tried to refuse to answer any questions but because the questions kept coming to him, he had no choice but to eventually tell the truth which was that he lied in everything. What a dirty fat bastard.

Remember when Robert Bougard applied for the job as Head of Department in 2008. Well, there’s a story behind this as well. You know that company he had called Protea Healthcare LTD in which him and Michael Octave were the co directors. Well, Rob only applied for the job as head of department so he can use the departments funds and workload and pass it through this company so he can make more money and get good advertising and revenues from it so he can retire early with Michael Octave. He was unsuccessful in the role so Michael Octave thought he would do the same but use his emotional blackmail tactics to get the contract with Zebra Medical LTD, a company he is a director of. This is why when Michael Octave did not get the EP job that he went straight to Rob Bougard who started keeping a ‘fake list’ of alleged mistakes this ex employee had been making in their work. These mistakes were not detailed any more but just dated. This reinforces the allegations against Michael Octave and his friends and co company directors instigating campaigns against innocent staff members because their business ventures are failing and they do not want to be held accountable for their own company. Maybe this is why its a Limited company in the first place.


Michael Octave set up a plan in the department that when he would get the job as Head of EP (as he was very confident he will get it), he would deliberately lie and run innocent staff member’s who work in the department out like he has done so for so many years. This would then leave the department short staffed and relying upon agency staff. This is where Michael Octave and his company come in where they offer discount services for work the staff whom Michael and his friends ran out of the department were doing in the first place. This is a very political and experienced tactic and to say the taxpayer is footing the bill for all this dishonesty. A simple solution to this would be to remove Michaels company from providing all services and start effectively retaining the staff they already have rather then let these pricks get away with lying about others all the time and financially gaining from it.

The thing about Mushtaq ‘The Kokonut Kipling’ is that he likes to big himself up in many ways. One thing he has made it clear in the Cardiology Department is that he is the most knowledged Physiologist there. This is merely an exaggeration. He only knows enough to do the job. When this ex-employee questioned Mushtaq about Cardiology news and issues, he always got stuck and claimed that they should go read it up and let him know. Michael Octave on the other hand is not that great either. When you use the words Bifascicular Block, he gets confused because its been so long since he heard that word considering hes always in the EP lab being lazy.

Have you noticed on Jackie Deamers and Maureen Shepherds payslips, it claims that there role is that of a ‘Medical Technical Officer’. This is strange as we thought these two slags claimed to be ‘Senior’ Cardiographers. The thing about the term Medical Technical Officer is that it has the capability of getting an increased banding of up to the upper part of Band 5 without becoming a real physiologist. This IS REAL FRAUD GOING ON. These two slags are not ‘Medical Technical Officers’, they are simple Cardiographers and not very good ones at that either.

Maureen Shepherd before she left her retired fat arse from the Cardiology Department, she said to everyone in the Cardiology Department that she would like a private leaving do. Even this demand is inappropriate. This innocent ex employee endured a serious diversified racist hate campaign because of this racist fat arse fraudster whom didnt even get a leaving do. In fact, this innocent ex employee had Maureen Shepherd, Jackie Deamer, Michael Octave and others lie consistently and got them fired from their job. To make matters worse, JR after being informed by her line manager the next day of this ex employee getting fired went to this ex employees locker, broke in to it, took all their belongings and put it in a yellow hospital bag and threw it into the hospitals skip and asking the Security Department to tell this ex employee to come pick it up. So Maureen should of got something similar or in fact worse. Maureen should not have even got a private leaving do in the exercise room of the hospital, she should simply have been told to fuck off and never bring her fat racist cellulite arse back in the department.

This ex employee says that Maureens ‘Medical Technical Officer’ arse use to sit on this chair in the main department stumbling round trying to NOT DO any ECGs with her fat arse oozing from the sides of the chair and claiming she weighs in at 6 and a half stone. She sat in the department once with Jackie Deamer on the phone to Occupational Health saying that there fat arse was ill and lazy and this is all the fault of those ECGs they do. In fact, both the slags with their Band 5 said to the HR Department and Occupational Health Department that they do half the ECGs. haha, like fuck they do half, they do nothing. Maybe one would be too much. We are sure current employees would also agree. This claim was made after coming back after a 3 month ‘sick of working’ bender. Have you also noticed how their friends claim that ‘Its everyones jobs to do ECGs’. This is not actually correct because all hospitals have Cardiographers to do it. None of them are Band 5 but a Band 3 at the very highest so we are sure that Jackie Deamer and Maureen Shepherd can get off their fat, lazy sick arse and finally do some ECGs, they are getting a Band 5 for christs sakes.

If anyone ever claim it ‘everyone’s job to do ECGs’, the good response is to respond by saying, ‘If we do all of Jackies ECGs, then will her job description and pay banding be re-evaluated to account this? and when it does then we will do them’ because its not fair Jackie makes a Band 5 whilst everyone else in the department is doing ECGs. What makes matters worse is that the staff in the department are doing even more ECGs because she keeps going off sick. If Jackie cannot cope with the ECGs, then she can have her job description and working hours re-evaluated so its less stressful for her.

Maureen ‘The Fat Cellutlite arse lazy bastard’ Shepherd spent the whole working day sitting around spreading vile filth against this innocent ex employee. On this ex employees first day at work, Maureen (after a generous 35 minutes) started spreading vile comments against this innocent trainee in the department whilst he was in the cubicle doing ECGs. Something that her fat Medical Technical Officer Band 5 arse should of been doing in the first place. Maureen made comments such as ‘Look how long hes taking with the patients’ ‘look at him’ ‘Where did you find him’ ‘look how much he talks with the patients’ ‘send these people back to their countries’ ‘these people have ruined our health service’ ‘he has no comon sense’. Maureen spent the whole working day spreading vile comments about this innocent ex employee again and again and the Senior Chiefs refused to do anything about it despite this ex employees consistent complaints about addressing this issue. Eventually Maureen recruited Jackie ‘The Orange ATM Ram Raider Transvestite’ Deamer to join forces with her to make more remarks against this innocent ex employee whilst he was doing ECGs all on his own in the cubicle whilst these two lazy bastards sat on their arse hurling racist insults at him. Jackie made comments such as ‘He a fucking arsehole’ ‘dirty paki’ ‘ruining our healthcare system’ ‘go back to your own country’. This was all accompanied by making indian accents in order to degrade this innocent ex employee. Jackie even went a step further and started asking patients to make complaints against this ex employee to her line manager JR . She did this by waiting when this ex employee was on annual or study leave and then she started pulling the ECG cubicle curtain back and started talking to an empty room using this ex employees name all the time asking them to do some work. The vulnerable patients started making complaints against this innocent ex employee to JR clearly stating that Jackie was the aggressor in the scenario. Maureen and Jackies campaign went a step further when they started stopping consultant Cardiologists in the corridoor and asking them to make complaints against this innocent ex employee to the head of department or the clinical director. Maureen and Jackie instigated so much filth against him on his first week on the job. Eventually Shirley came along to reprimand both the bastards claiming that ‘people have left the department because of these two’ and reassured this innocent ex employee that she will take steps to sort the situation out. Evetually Shirley went off sick because of Health issues and Maureen and Jackie were under way again as usual.

After all this this innocent ex employee went through. Maureen and Jackie believe they are being mistreated. Dont have any sympathy for these two racist bastards. They made a Band 5 and they did nothing for it whilst this innocent ex employee did everything because these two slags believed this ex employee is an immigrant and deserves to do all their work and even made him eat outside of the department because they critisised how he ate on his unpaid lunch time hours.

Michael Octave is now working at The Royal Brompton Hospital these days. He says that hes credibility and professionalism has been questioned so much that he feels embarassed working at Harefield Hospital now. Well, good riddence. He was taking up all the spotlight anyway. Hes even trying to get another contract with his company Zebra Medical with the Head of the Cardiology Department Vicky Griffiths but hopefully he might get this contract too because JR will put in a good word for him especially after he denied the EP job refusal so many times that now he looks like a dumb arse.

Mushtaq has been acting quite dodgy recently too. He is in a lot of trouble right now because he went in to the ITU department to check the pacing boxes and started saying to a patients family members that he would like some biscuits next time they come round. This fat wanker needs to control his diet and weight because his scissor tongue is quite heavy as it is without feeding sugar to it. Mushtaq needs to understand that more Fruit, water and exercise is the answer to his needs. On the other hand, Michael Octave has stopped injecting steroids in to himself because of the issue being heavily publicised. You know why he was always angry, it was called Roid Rage. That where he has sudden bursts of aggression. These bursts of aggression started increasing in duration especially when he was refused the EP job and resulted in his resignation.

Jackie Deamer went off sick once for 3 months in 2008 saying that she needs an operation on her hand but when she came back 3 months later, she said to her line manager that the appointment got cancelled at the last minute and its been rebooked in 2 months time. She then went off for 3 months again. This was full pay sicknesses. This is a very clever trick that even Maureen Shepherd used the same trick many times to claim more sicknesses then they are entitled too. It is alleged that these two slags delibrately forwarded their own appointments so they could get more time off and no one even knows if they had any operations on any of their limbs. The taxpayer is very generous to these fraudsters who claim everyone was defrauding the NHS when they were doing it all the time. I mean, lets look at the Band 5! This role is unjustified. What a bunch of silly slags.

Maureen and her fat arse use to keep going off sick so much, it became so casual and boring. In fact, she spent most of her lazy racist life marrying wealthy men and after a couple of years, divorcing them and taking half in settlements. This was further backed up with the false banding she claimed at Harefield Hospital as a Band 5 Cardiographer. She was married over 4 times and all of them ended in divorce because no one could live with her fat arse. Eventually when she made a lot of money from the marriage scams, she decided not to marry again. This was also because she was too old to do so anyway and plus it costs more money. Eventually she started living with a man without a penny to his name so she didn’t marry him because she didn’t want to give half her money and estate away if he decided to divorce her racist fat stank arse. When her partner died of cancer, she was entitled to one month compassionate leave which she gladly took but because of Maureen being the fraudster that she is, this wasn’t enough, she continued with the leave on full pay claiming she was sick (AGAIN). She was off sick for 9 months on full pay making excuses that she was grieving. She needs to realise it was her partner who died of cancer, not Maureen. Maureens fat arse claimed heavy salaries for jobs she did not do which the taxpayer footed the bill for. Maureen stole from all her ex husbands, stole from the NHS, stole from this innocent ex employee and stole houses and job descriptions. Out of all this, she gets a lovely Band 5 retirement and pension which she is not entitled to.

Michael Octave and his silly slag partner Sonia have recently been on holiday. Mikey claims he needs a break. I guess you do after dishing out lies all the time. Michael Octave has left Harefield Hospital too now and now works at the Royal Brompton Hospital because his lies are catching up with him and he can’t lie his way out of it anymore because everyone knows what he is like. Michael Octave runs away from it. This is a sign of a real coward. He ran away from his training manager job as well and resigned. This seems like a continuous pattern of unacceptable behaviour. Further collaborated by the fact he steals from the NHS with fabricated political contracts with his company. What’s an ugly mongrel like him to do. To say dealing with a heart transplant patient the silly slag Sonia Dos Santos is not enough.

This is a picture of the Chief Executive Bob Bell killing animals in the community. as you can see, this is a continuous pattern of unacceptable behaviour in which now animals are being targetted.  He thinks its acceptable in broadcasting this on camera as well as finding this is not a problem. This is inappropriate behaviour as this man is supposed to providing healthcare to the community and is supposed to be saving lives. as judged by this picture, this is obviously not the case. This reinfiorces the allegations made against him and how he conducts himself in the organisation and why his Cardiology department at Harefield Hospital is riddled with hate campaigns against innocent employees as the man at the top refuses to do anything about it. Its most probably because hes out hunting and killing animals like hes been doing in this picture and does not give two shits about what his staff go through.  A real failure as a CEO.


A staff member in the Cardiology Department called Rudolph Ian Velasquez claims that he is a doctor but the reality of the situation is that he has no medical qualifications and that he just lied on his application form to bump up his application for the job at Harefield Hospital. This further supports that he did not complete his qualification for the job he was employed for and just left it halfway through but somehow he still earns a full band 6 under the idea that he is qualified when he is not. He failed his dissertation again and again and eventually could not defer any more times then he has already done so he just gave up. This is all confirmed by another member of staff called Raheel who also claimed recently to the ex employee in a meeting that he is aware of JR refusing Michael Octave the EP job. This is very strange as JR and Michael Octave have consistently denied these allegations.

This ex employee says that he wishes that Maureen Shepherd, Jackie Deamer, Michael Octave, Sonia Dos Santos, Mushtaq Ali, Robert Bougard all die of cancer for the lies they dished out against innocent employees for years again and again. This ex employee does not speak for themselves only either. This is reinforced by many ex employees. Lets hope this wish comes true. It would be nice to see them suffer.

There was once a time when Jackie and Maureen use to walk around the department like they owned the place ordering others to do work and making false complaints and allegations and spreading it. There was a reason for this. The reason was because the management falsified their job description to get them a heavy band 5 for jobs they were not required or responsible for. Because of this band 5 they had, they started to believe they were too senior in the department and this justified their conduct. For many years Jackie used to make excuses to going home early and when this ex employee asked her kindly to pull the clinic list for the Lister pacing clinic, she claimed she does not know how to do that as she has not been trained in it. This is very odd, opening a filing cabinet and pulling out pacing files is quite common sense and self explanatory. Jackie was very proactive and aware of the sickness policy though.

When Jackie and Maureen started showing hatred against innocent staff in the main department which was quite regularly. They started falsifying allegations in relation to their friend Shirley and going up to Shirley all the time and claiming they heard or saw something when they didn’t to get Shirley, a senior member of staff to go up against them too. Eventually Shirley realised that the two slags making the claims are the most unreliable of them all and the only reason she listened to them is because she could not be horrible to them. If this ex employee was in Shirleys shoes, he would order the two slags to stock up labs, pull clinics, help the pacing admin staff with their work, clean the toilets and do ECGs in the transplant department so the taxpayer do not foot the bill for separate bank staff to do it when clearly its in their jobs descriptions that they do it.

Remember when Michael Octave keeps walking in the department with an ugly look on his face (as always) making comments about others peoples appearances. Well, he does it because his silly slag Sonia is giving him a hard time at home because he gets up in the middle of the night and disappears. What a faggot. At least this ex employees appearance was light years better then Michael Octave who in fact does look like a real life Mongrel.

Jackie Deamer, the ATM Ram raider is off sick AGAIN! This time her foot is hurting and no one knows when she will comes back. We could go in to more detail but its most probably been covered before. All we can say is that its a fake sickness and its full pay on Band 5!  If you are unhappy about this, contact the Director of Finance Mark Lambert on 01895 823737 and report this!

Many people don’t know about a cardiac Physiologist Rudolf Ian Velasquez is that why he left his old employer Ealing Hospital. He left because he was always causing trouble in the department. He constantly went to his line manager gossiping and claiming he saw incidents when he never. Upon investigations, the claims were always proven to be false. Eventually the whole department lost confidence in him and he started clinging on to this ex employee claiming to this ex employee that they are brothers and best friends. Ians line manager Carolyn claimed to this ex employee that Ian is only hovering around him so he can get a job at Harefield and once he gets a job at Harefield, he will turn on him. The whole of the department at Ealing Hospital felt sorry for this ex employee and the staff at Harefield Hospital about what they will have to endure at the hands of Ian. Recently Raheel also claimed to this ex employee that ‘Ian has changed a lot since he arrived’ and ‘He is a right bastard who will get anyone anywhere’ and that Raheel himself has been the victim of Ians behaviour again and again. Ian also said to this ex employee a while ago that staff members at Harefield Hospitals Cardiology department with initials KOB and CP are bitches and he hates and distrusts them. This ex employee did not know what to think as this was a new experiance watching Ian like this. The problem is that the staff members KOB and CP are not bitches but just honest and straight forward. The only bitch in this scenario is Ian for the way he behaved at Ealing Hospital and the way he behaves at Harefield Hospital. How do you think he has achieved a Band 6 when he has no degree or medical qualification but just lied on his application form to get jobs. This is quite disturbing. In fact, it has recently come to light to the HR department of Harefield Hospital that Ian has an outstanding Dissertation he needs to complete which he hasn’t and left it hanging 4 years ago when he kept deferring his modules and course again and again. Raheel said he is not particularly happy about Ians Band 6 and he wants something done about it. So not only is Ian not a doctor which he claimed on his application form but he has no Clinical Physiology degree. With the number of enemies he has left behind in his life, his friends and family no longer want him near them or around their families either due to his untrustworthy attitude and trouble making ways. In fact, Raheel who is already quite a heavy politician in the Cardiology Department cannot handle Ians politics. This shows how heavy his political ways are if he can supercede Raheels politics. Ians former line manager Carolyn from ealing Hospital claimed to this ex employee that the only reason she gave ian a positive reference was because she wanted him to leave the department. Carolyn went on to say ‘He is now JRs problem’. This shows what Ians past is like. Obviously his line manager speaks so wholeheartedly about him that she was actually deperate for him to leave. Now that Ian has been at Harefield Hospitals cardiology Department for four years, his progression is also slowed down. There is a reason for this, the staff members he works with do not trust him and constantly complain about him. This is why Ian is planning to leave this department too and when he does, everyone in the department will be glad hes gone.

Raheel recently said to this ex employee when they met that he is plotting a plan to get a staff member in the Echo department with the initials MA in to a lot of trouble. The reason Raheel said this was because he hates MA and Filipinos in general. Raheel openly claimed to this ex employee that he noticed MA was going on an Echo course in Aberdeen, scotland many years ago and when Raheel found out about this, he approached her and said that he is also going and that she can grab a lift with him. Eventually when the day came to go, MA approached Raheel and asked him what time he is leaving to which Raheel responded by saying that he cancelled the course a long time ago and he told her about it when in fact he knew he didn’t. This left MA with lost time, money and generally feeling let down. Raheel said to this ex employee he did this on purpose because MA does not train anyone in the Echo department in Echos and he does not like how these Filipinos stick up for each other. MA reported the issue to her line manager Carole Webb who kicked Raheel out of the Echo department after only one week there. This shows you what Raheel is like. He will mesmerize you by expecting you to trust him then he will turn round and stab you in the back and then blame the incident on to someone else. When it comes to Raheel, he initiated a campaign from Maureen Shepherd and Jackie Deamer against this ex employee in the first place and then backed off and focussed on his training calmly whilst this ex employee took a serious hate campaign. JR knew this but refused to take any action. He tried the same technique with the Echo staff member MA and was unsuccessful and he was kicked out of the Echo department as the head of the Echo department saw through Raheel like she should of seen. This is not the first time Raheel has been involved in politics in the Cardiology department. Raheel also claimed that staff members JB, LJS and RH all stick together and they target him and he really dislikes them. He says that he has tried to come between these three students but nothing works. Even after being caught out by the Echo staff, he still continues to act crafty. He once asked this ex employee for £8,000 to start off a company just like the one Michael Octave started up. however, this ex employee refused to offer any such sum of money to Raheel and this left Raheel disgruntled. Raheel has also made remarks about the Echo departments staff members to this ex employee. Raheel claims that Ruth looks like a pig and Carole has flabby arms. He also claims that MA in the Echo department has had multiple sexual partners, something which is clearly none of Raheel business. Raheel also claims to this ex employee that Jackie Deamer is always going off sick and as the Chief of Non-Invasive, he cannot control her because JR will come to Jackies rescue like she always does. Raheel also said that Shirley is always off sick and he is encouraging her to retire from the job. Raheel said he is doing this delibrately so that he can then apply for her job as a Senior Chief of Non-Invasive. This man is incredibly vile, he will take someones illness and use it to his own advantage as well. This is very nasty. He says if JR refuses him this job, he will claim racism. I guess Raheel will have to use better examples then just making the claim on its own. Raheel also claimed to this ex employee that a staff member called JJ does not like him because hes Muslim and Raheel is trying to get him to leave the pacing department by encouraging JR to rota him elsewhere. You have to understand how Raheel became the Chief of Non-Invasive in the first place, this was also because Raheel used to speak against this ex employee for his own benefit and career advances. You should see why he left Chelsea and Westminster hospital, its because he behaved just as badly down there and couldn’t get away with it so he just left.

This issue about Michael Octaves company Zebra Medical is that its not as sugars and cream as he makes it out to be. There has been issues in relation to tax fraud and not delaring private patient funds either. It is also concerning that another co-company director which is not declared to the Inland Revenue is operating in this company Zebra Medical LTD. This undeclared company director is Professor Michael Henien. Prof Michael Henien has a lovely past that not many people are aware of it. More will be discussed on this issue shortly.

The undeclared co-company director Professor Michael Henien was once employed at The Royal Brompton Hospital as a Consultant Cardiologist for 15 years. He was sacked in 2003/2004 when it came to light to the hospitals management that he was going to all the GP surgerys and practices in South West London and putting in proposals to steal the Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trusts patients by offering a lower referral fee for testing. Say for instance. GP practices pay hospitals for sending a patient for an ECG, Exercise testing etc. If the GP is paying the hospital £250 for an Execise test, Professor Michael Henien was undercutting the Trust he was employed with by offering the test for £150 and pocketting the money. The Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust received a complaint in relation to this and sacked Professor Michael Henien in 2003/2004. Now Professor Michael Henien who is based in Harley Street clinic is working with Michael Octave in his company called Zebra Medical LTD and has even been granted a contract with Harefield Hospital. It is no wonder Professor Michael Henien is a UNOFFICIAL COMPANY DIRECTOR. Have you wondered why a Professor would ever want to be involved in business with someone as a third rate as Michael Octave, its because Professor Michael Henien is third rate himself. Michael Octave has delibrately with-held this vital piece of information from the hospitals management because hes afraid if this allegations gets investigated and substantiated which it will, then Michael Octaves company Zebra Medical will go tits up and he will not only lose his own locum roles at the organisation but a serious fraud investigation will take place in which Professor Michael Heniens conduct and past will be looked at with a microscope, someone who was trying to steal the hospitls patients many years ago is now doing it using a third parties name and company.

Professor Michael Henien is a dodgy character. you probably wonder how Michael Octave knows him, its because Michael Octave is a dodgy character also. Its already quite common knowledge of how dishonest and uncredible Michael Octave and his vile mouth is. Just look at how he talks about this ex employee in his written statements. Now not only is his vile mouth causing trouble but now his company credentials are being focussed upon. Firstly, as Michael Henien invested £21,000 in to Zebra Medical LTD, this makes him either a co-company director (which he is) or a shareholder. With the large amount of money he has invested into Zebra Medical LTD, it makes you wonder what he is getting out of all this and strongly suggests he cannot be a shareholder as this is too simple and because a far greater amount of money has been invested in this company. It also questions Michael Octave and Roberts Bougards role in the previous company they owned called Protea Healthcare limited, a company which is now dissolved but was active during the time when Professor Michael Henien was sacked from the Royal Brompton Hospital. It is understood that Professor Michael Henien was involved with Protea Healthcare LTD, something that was not declared either. Maybe what happened was that Professor Michael Henien kept quite when he was sacked from the job at The Royal Brompton Hospital in relation to his relationship with Protea Healthcare LTD, Robert Bougard and Michael Octave and this is why Michael Octave is now working with him to involve him in these company directorships to continue where they left off as their master plan was de-railed by The Royal Brompton Hospitals management as a result of Professor Michael Heniens sacking. Maybe this is why Robert Bougard was so vocal about how bad everyone is and how good he is himself to take the focus off himself. Considering Robert Bougard was fabricating bank timesheets in the transplant department of the hospital and signing it off and delibrately making the organisation waste over £2-3,000 per month because of this attitude shows a continuous pattern of financial fraud using NHS resources going on, something Michael Octave is now doing. This is a serious breach of trust and confidence. Why would Michael Octave involve someone like Professor Michael Henien in to any company contracts with his employer with the past that he has in the first place unless Michael Octave was not involved in this line of work in the first place and especially during the time of Professor Michael Heniens sacking.

Recently Mushtaq The kokonut Kipling has been in a lot of trouble. Its now official and proved that Mushtaq did charge £100 for a reference from this ex employee and cleverly denied it and brushed it under the carpet. In the meantime, he has been spreading rumours about another staff member called JJ in conjunction with Raheel. However, these complaints did not get anywhere because another staff member came along and made allegations against Mushtaq about defrauding this ex employee of £100 with reference costs. This shutted Mushtaq up quite significantly and now he does not speak too much because everyone knows about his past and his lies. Jackie on the other hand has claimed to new staff in the department that she never use to go off sick all the time and has only been getting sick for the last couple of years, What a loads of Bullshit. Jackie has been pulling sickies since she started. She has hardly been at work and when she is, she causes so much trouble.

This is a picture of Geoff Brown, He is the current interim Divisional Head of HR at Harefield Hospital. He stole this job from his previous line manager Terry ‘Termie’ White because Geoff could not avoid taking the hospital to an Employment Tribunal. All those years of management experience and all the money he makes and still he cant do his job properly. No wonder the NHS is in financial crisis. He was last heard to be living with the former general manager of Harefield Hospital Andrew ‘HBGay’ Howlett after Andrew was forced to resign from Harefield hospital because of the way he treated this ex employee because he got ‘pissed off’ with JR complaining all the time. He also cost Nipple-T his job too. After all those years of Andrew Howlett firing innocent staff with inundated and fabricated decisions, he thought he could do it forever but one man came along and this man was not just any man, he was a man and a half and made a campaign and terminated his employment.


Jackie Deamer went home early again last week. She actually went home 1 hour before normal at 3.30pm. When she was asked by a senior staff member has she cleaned up, her response was that ‘I cleaned my cubicle love’. This is not the right process. There are always jobs that need to be done. Jackie should of cleaned all the cubicles, then helped with some archiving, some restocking and helping the admin staff with filing and pulling clinics. Once all this would be done and she satisfied her CORRECT JOB DESCRIPTION, then maybe and only maybe she may have been entitled to go home early.

Most people don’t know the real reason why Rob Bougard left. The reason was because he never did any work, always complained, was dishonest and signed off false timesheets. The issue about the false timesheets is what got him and when his credibility and trustworthiness was put in to question, he quickly packed his bags and ran away to South Africa. He came across as being a family man but he doesn’t know how to act as a family man. He consistently lied and belittled this ex employee unneccessarily. Many people left the department because of this bigot. He was even having problems in Harefield Hospitals ECHO department at one time because his behaviour was always that of being a troublemaker. He had a daughter last year but she was born with a hole in her heart and Rob was quite saddened. You can’t feel sorry for Rob because the way he behaved with so many staff for so many years resulted in innocent people leaving the department because of his complaining. Once again, god is striking Rob Bougard for his lies and fraud he carried out at the hospital.

Michael Octave and his pet pig Mushtaq the Kokonut Kipling have been reading the allegations about them on the internet a lot recently. Never feel sorry for these two lying bastards. Many people left the department because Michael Octave and Mushtaq Ali lied their way through their careers. Because Mushtaq withdrew all his allegations at the employment tribunal and was caught lying in everything in his written statements and further been caught charging £100 fees for references, he should of also been dismissed or at the very least demoted to a lower role such a band 6 or a band 7. This man is obviously untrustworthy but so is Michael Octave. He obviously does not support his work colleagues, i mean just read his statements. His silly slag Sonia Dos Santos was having a biopsy a while ago and Mushtaq was on-call this night. Once again, you can’t feel sorry for Michael Octave. The only bad news is she survived and someone worthy enough was not entitled to a heart transplant but that ugly dog Sonia was. Its ok though because god has kept the best part til last.

Maureen ‘Band 5’ Shepherd was in the Cardiology department the other day sitting down as usual. She was claiming that the photocopier should of remained in the same place as it was before because it was easy access for everyone rather then moving it to the old tea room. No one knows why Maureen turns up for no apparent reason. Sensitive patient files are around in the department which Maureen can get access to and with her already fraudulent activity during her life and scams, This would make the matter even worse.

Recently Michael Octave has been making more remarks. This time to Mushtaq The Kokonut Kipling. This is because Mushtaq is feeling really distressed about what is being said about him. This is very selfish of Mushtaq. When this ex-employee was reading the false witness statements and lies that this kokonut was submitting against them, Mushtaq had no remorse whatsoever. Mushtaq also has recently completed his NASPE EP exams paid for by Harefield Hospital. This is significantly inappropriate because after Mushtaq withdrew all his allegations at the employment tribunal and has been caught lying in other statements and comments he makes, he should of had his training and promotions revoked. In fact, he should of been demoted to a Band 7 for lying and costing an innocent man their job because Mushtaq is such a liar. This did not happen though. This is because it was JR who approached him in the first place and encouraged and supported him in lying. How do you think Mushtaqs wife Joanna got a job in the department, its because Mushtaq started spreading rumours in the department that he will leave if his wife does not get the trainee role because he cannot afford to support his family on his salary. This was back when he was a band 7, a role that earned him nearly £45k a year. Maybe Mushtaq should lower his high standards of living before claiming he cant afford to provide for his family. This is similar to the tactic that Michael Octave used when he was refused the EP job.

As it was said earlier on about Michael Octaves ugly partner Sonia Dos Santos coming in to Harefield Hospital to have a Biopsy done because she wasn’t feeling well. This is so far so inappropriate that it is unbelievable. An innocent man died to give this piece of shit Sonia a heart transplant, something that she should of been on a proper waiting list for in the first place but wasn’t because of her connections with Michael Octave. The taxpayer footed the bill for an expensive heart transplant which she was not entitled to because she was not on a proper waiting list and now because she does not want to look after her new heart and herself, she is expecting the taxpayer to foot the bill for a biopsy. What Sonia wants now is that she wants someone else to die AGAIN just so that she can get a brand new heart transplant and in the process someone else will sacrifice their life for her shitless one. This is similar to the way MIchael Octave works in the Cardiology department where innocent staff members sacrifice their jobs and roles because that worthless pile of shit Michael Octave spreads false and vile comments and rumours, something that worked against him when he was refused the EP job. I mean, Michael Octave may deny this now but just ask Raheel who is aware of it as so he claims. Michael Octave only denies it because he has now received a company contract from JR, also paid for by taxpayer funds to cover up the politics that existed in the first place. Now Michael Octave and Professor Michael Henien are back in action to undercut the GP referral fees for the organisation that gave them a contract in the first place.

Rudolph Velasques has bypassed a number of checks and working his way up the ladder. In fact, he is now planning to do Electrophysiology training and NASPE accredidation, something that he should not be entitled to just like his band 6 as he has an outstanding Dissertation he needs to complete as part of his initial Clinical Physiology degree but he keeps failing it so what he has done he wants to train himself up so much that no one will remember the initial qualification which he never gained, similar to the MD he claims.

Raheel is not on good terms with the Echo department again. In fact, with the number of comments and rumours he keeps spreading about the staff members RC and CW of the Echo department, it has finally caught up with him as other staff are reporting this to the Echo department managers. Now Raheel is keeping a low profile but he is still plotting the ‘plan’ again MA from the Echo department as he initially intended he was going to do. This man is very crafty and wiery, he will divert anything he can away from himself and on to someone completely innocent.

Michael Octave has been talking in the Cardiology Department at The Royal Brompton Hospital (like he always does) that he has 8 properties all on rent. This is very strange as Michael Octave claimed that he was having financial problems when JR refused him the EP job but somehow he can afford 8 properties. He probably made all the money from undercutting the Trust he works for with Professor Michael Henien and approaching GP practices and offering a lower referral fee. He tries to get the trust of the staff he works with by using his company Zebra Medical LTD to provide training in Balloon Pumps and Blood pressure. This is coming from a man who refused to do the training manager job at Harefield Hospital because he claimed it was not part of his job description. Furthermore, Balloon Pump training and Blood pressure training is a piece of shit. It only takes 5 minutes to train in each one of these sections, he should do a better job signing logbooks and then take responsibilty for it rather then divert it to others. He needs to also sort out why Sonia is always having rejection for, maybe because god is now angry at Michael Octave more then anything and is making him suffer. Michael Octave better start teling the truth from now on because god will turn on him properly one day and Sonia will never come back from Harefield Hospital.

Remember when Mushtaq The Kokonut Kipling came back from the employment tribunal on September 2nd 2010, he was sweating his balls off like a real pig because he did not know what was going to happen to him after he got caught lying and canniving and also caught charging £100 for a reference from this innocent ex employee. In fact, rather then Mushtaq accept he lied and take his punishment like the pig that he is, he decides to play even more politics. To say he was not in enough trouble as it was. This time his politics came in the form of the ‘Husband and wife team’ he has running in the department with his wife Joanna. He asked his wife Joanna to take one months compassionate leave to ‘attend a ill/deceased family member in trinidad and tobago’. This was a fluke. Mushtaq turned his back on all his family decades ago when he decided to be called ‘Ken’. This was a tactic Mushtaq was using to evade disciplinary action by getting symptahy from his line manager and the HR department at Harefield Hospital. Did Mushtaq have any sympathy for this innocent ex employee when he was submitting false material and fake witness statements all the time even after someone got fired. This is somewhat a very selfish approach Mushtaq was performing. He obviously did something right because he still kept his role in the department. Under normal circumstances, he would also be fired from the job for the lies he dished out. Eventually Mushtaq admitted he lied because everyone else was lying too. Finally some truth comes out of the talking pig.

This is Michael Octaves company financials and his balance sheet for 2010. You can clearly see that his silly slag partner Sonia Dos Santos is labelled as a secretary who charges £37,235 a year for working as a basic administrator. Something looks really dodgy here because Professor Michael Henien is not mentioned in any of these documents. A secretary for any company does not make that amount of money. We believe this is some sort of tax fraud going on where Michael Octave is delibrately claiming his company to be earning less then he really is plus he has an undeclared Director Professor Michael Henien. Another document here shows that he did all this business work in 2010 and all he made was £715 at the end of the year. This is laughable as the company contract he got with Harefield Hospital and Hillingdon Hospital on its own as a result of JR pulling strings for him.


JR was down at a Tachy1 course at Boston Scientific headquarters in Hemel Hempstead on Tuesday 21st May. She went there to do training in ICD’s. This is somewhat very bizarre. JR is head of the Cardiology department and does not do any Pacing or ICD checks plus this course was too high level for her backed up by the fact that she has not got a degree but just a BTech. She should be put on to disciplinary for this for working beyond her capabilities considering she has no leadership in the department she is in charge of. She said at this course to the course administrator that she really enjoyed it and that because of childcare issues of other staff members not being able to come that whether the reps could come and do a local course in the hospitals department. Maybe the reps would come if JR dis-infests her flea problem her and her friends have created in the department. On this course Ian Velasquez was there too. This gets even more stranger by the moment. Ian already has been caught lying about being a doctor on his application form and lied about qualifying as a Physiologist when in fact he wasn’t and somehow gained a higher banding in his role then he was entitled too and now he is attending high level ICD courses that are not for someone of his level of his expertise. Considering he has failed all his exams for the last 7 years at the college and he has to constantly defer to avoid further failures, he has somehow convinced his bosses to attend these courses backed up by the fact he failed his Dissertation at college for 5 years in a row. He managed to get to go to this course because JR asked him to lie and testify against this innocent ex-employee over a text message that he didn’t receive or one that he received from JR so now she is doing favours for him to thank him for his lies. This is why Ian has been stabbing other staff members in the back in the Cardiology Department at Harefield Hospital and why everyone is turning on him. He keeps his line manager JR sweet though by speaking against this ex-employee, its because this is the type of behaviour JR appreciates. Why else were JR friends always moaning against this innocent ex employee whilst he worked there. This is because she was asking them to do it in the first place.

Jackie is going off sick for 6 months now. This is now beyond a joke and no one is actually managing Jackie for her to stop this behaviour. In fact, Jackie is now breaking her own record for being off sick the longest in one go. She usually managed 3 months before she comes back to work but 6 months in a row is now the new style of sickness she is now being supported in. The reason she will come back after 6 months is because her salary will not be cut in half as par the hospitals sickness policy. This is very crafty of Jackie, surely if she was really sick, she would go longer or less then 6 months in total. The taxpayer is a very generous body in the UK, they will pay for anything, even charity cases like Jackie Deamer.

Maureen Shephard is now not coming in to the Cardiology Department that often. The reason being is that her fat arse has been named and shamed as a fraudster and a thief. She still has not paid any of her Band 5 fake salaries back to the taxpayers but spend it on her lazy, lavish lifestyle. Maybe her pension needs to be stopped until the organisation reimburses itself for all the money she owes. Only that way justice will be done for the taxpayers

Michael Octaves company contract at Hillingdon Hospital has been stopped a while ago now. The reason being is that the organisations management has found out how he received a political contract under the taxpayers name and the cover up at Harefield Hospital. In fact, Harefield Hospital has now stopped using his services under the company Zebra Medical LTD. This is only after reading this blog and coming to the conclusion that the allegations are actually correct. Both Hillingdon and Harefield Hospital have spent an average of £300 each per week for contracts and patients that are not justified.

Michael Octave has been telling staff at the Brompton Hospitals Cardiology department why he resigned from Harefield Hospital. He bitches and moans to everyone in Lab 3, the EP lab. The man is making £55 an hour because he resigned from his job because he was refused the EP job because he was always lying. Do not trust this man, he got together with Mushtaq the kokonut and ran many ethnic minorities out of the department at Harefield Hospitals Cardiology whilst they proper their own careers. Mushtaq is actually so dirty that he was recently removed from a place of worship in the local area because he went there to make ‘sex jokes’. What a loser!

This is the head of HR, Geoff Browns LinkedIn account. This is athe hacked version. You see what we have done is sent a message to the CEO Bob Bell making recommendations. This account was very easy to hack, in fact, a number of dating requests were made in which a number of people deleted him off their contacts lists. With the few number of ‘friends’ Geoff already has, he can simply divide that number by half now. All in a days work.

gb link 1gb link 2

Michael Octave has been making complaints to his line manager at the Royal Brompton hospital about there being ‘a mole’ in the ranks who is giving out information about him to this ex employees associates. Michael Octave is a sick dog wanker who needs to stop causing trouble and focus on EP which is what he only does all the time. This time Michael Octave is now working in partnership with Mushtaq the kokonut kipling where the two lovers keep in touch with one another by phone. Michael Octave calls the fat pig up the other day and told him about what he has seen on google and Mushtaq immediately took time out from his busy schedule (which is talking shit and lying all the time) to go check it out and is now feeling very bloated reading all this (as hard as that is to believe). When Mushtaq gets bloated, he usually eats more and talks more and lies even more. Now he doesn’t know which way to turn as all he ever does is financially and promotionally benefit from other people misery.

The CEO Robert Bell was in his board meeting at the Royal Brompton Hospital the other day doing a Private Part 2 meeting. This meeting lasted the longest and is the longest in the history of the organisation at 3 hours 13 minutes. In this meeting, the CEO Robert Bell labelled this ex-employee as ‘The biggest ICON of the Trust’. Finally, this ex employee is getting some respect in the management meetings, the reason being is because he was innocent in all the allegations all along that his management has been making for JR . This ex employee or as the Trust labels him as The biggest ICON of the Trust says that if Bob Bell starts recruiting managers correctly, he would never had this problem in the first place.

The gang culture at Harefield Hospitals Cardiology department is run by a very organised network of people. These people think they are real tough guys but they aren’t really. In fact, if they are so tough, maybe they would like their address published online so so the public and media can contact them freely and openly so here it goes:

Michael Octave – 424 Canterbury Waye, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 4EA

In the meantime Professor Michael Henien, the sacked Consultant from the Royal Brompton hospital has been reading this page too. This is because he has been put under investigation at an NHS Trust organisation outside London in relation to similar allegations for why he was sacked from the Royal Brompton hospital. We wonder what Michael Octave and his company Zebra Medical LTD would do now. Surely Michael Henien would learn his lesson when he got sacked from the Brompton then to go out and start undercutting the referral processes with other NHS Trusts he is associated with.

Mushtaq the Kokonut Kipling has been claiming he has health problems recently. Don’t get fooled by this. Mushtaq has not got any health problems. He is required to give evidence in a while about his lies he dished out against this innocent ex employee and he is trying to get sympathy for it. Why should anyone have sympathy for the fat pig when all he does is lie and lie and lie and a number of people in the department leave or lose their jobs because of him. Remember he withdrew all his allegations at the employment tribunal because he knew he lied like a pig that he is. He somehow was allowed to progress in his role doing EP when in fact he should of at the very least be demoted. Thats because the management are encouraging this pork machine to lie as an ethnic minority to strengthen their racially motivated claims against ethnic staff. This is how Mushtaq got his way as a band 8. He even influenced his wife to get the trainee role in the department by using these same underhand tactics and JR was more then obliged to act on it considering that Mushtaq has helped her get rid of so many staff.

This is a picture of that weasel Rob Bougard. His best friend Michael Octave and co company director of Protea Healthcare plotted a plan to get this ex employee, an innocent man, into a lot of trouble because Michael Octave did not get the EP job. This plan was by making false allegations against this ex employees work, something that these two pigs cannot talk about because they dont do any. Eventually after Rob got rid of so many staff from the Cardiology department again and again with all his trouble maker friends and after this ex employee started making allegations against him, he packed his bags and ran away to South Africa.


The thing about Jackie Deamer is that she earwigs in other peoples conversations all the time. She listens to phone calls, through cubicles and through walls. She then mixes up the allegations and claims with her trampy friend Maureen Shepherd and go to Shirley to give a false account. Be careful of these two fraudsters. The taxpayer has funded their lavish lifestyle for so many years and it still does not seem like it will stop anytime soon. Mushtaq used to listen to Jackies false claims and exaggerate it even more and came out with his own lies, why else did he withdraw his allegations at the employment tribunal. He knew its not correct thats why.

Jackie is off sick at the moment but not people know what she is really doing. In fact, this ex-employee was down in Camden high street the other day with his friends and saw Jackie selling items from a stall which is believed to be her stall. This woman is on full pay sickness for 6 months because she is lazy to do an ounce of work. The taxpayer is paying her a salary which she is claiming deceptively. Just to see if this was a one off incident, this ex employee sent another one of his friends a few days later to check again and surprise surprise, Jackie was there again selling handbags and jewellery. Maybe her sickness benefit and entitlement needs to be revoked so that the hospital Trust can reduce their losses having an employee like this.

Jackie Deamer and Maureen Shepherd on many occasions STOLE this ex employees ECG books when he first started in the department under the seniors in the department knowledge and full sight. The reason was because the two racist fat bastards did not want to do ECG’s all the time and would rather let this ex employee do them . They thought if this ex employee learnt his ECG’s, then he will move on to other areas and thats what these two lazy fraudsters could not risk or even tolerate. They approached their friend Shirley many times claiming (behind this ex employees back) and whispering that this ex employee is not ready to take his Part 1 exam but what happened was that they encouraged their senior friends in the department to not pay for it so this ex employee had to pay for it out of their pocket. In fact, the real story should of been that the costs should of come out of Maureen and Jackies pay considering they were on a Band 5 falsified job description role. So not only did Jackie steal this ex employees books but she also stole from the taxpayer and the ATM on the main reception by ram raiding it.

Michael Octave was down outside Kings Cross station the other day at 11pm. He was on the phone to one of his friends at the time saying he is going back home after a hard days work at the Brompton.  We all know Michael does not work hard, i mean, just look at how he did the training manager job. He failed in that role just like he failed to get the EP job and now he has failed in his looks as all his hair is now falling out. He claims he was coming back from the Brompton at this time but we all know what goes on at Kings Cross station at 11pm at night. The slag was probably out selling himself to the gay community because his company contract with Hillingdon Hospital has been stopped a while ago now and his contract with other NHS Trusts are also not looking gleam. I guess becoming a slag will be in Michaels best interests but this is actually what he does best. I mean, lets look at how he talks about his work colleagues, he is a proper slag. This ex employee says he wishes Michael gets herpes and other STD’s and he fails as a slag as well. Now that would be funny.  Imagine he passed it on to the other slag Sonia and then passes it down to other family members of his through continuous disrespectful inbreeding.

Maureen Shepherd instigated hatred against this ex employee to such an extent that she made comments about his personal appearance and culture on a daily basis. In fact, when you look at Maureen, her skin doesn’t even attach to her face properly so she is not in any position to talk about someone else’s appearance. At least this ex employee had personality and character mixed with intelligence and youth. Maureen was just a fat bastard with skin detachment going on at the extreme end mixed with a fat arse. She was always going to the Dogs Trust in Harefield and even took sick days off to go and visit the dogs there. You know the saying that goes that dogs start looking like their owners after a while, well, Maureen has the opposite effect and boy can you see it. In fact, the dogs look more attractive then Maureen.

Maureen went off sick so many times over the same issue, it was absolutely ridiculous. She kept saying her leg is hurting all the time and she needs an operation. In fact, when she apparently had the operation done on her foot, she claimed she could not put weight on her foot and therefore has to go off sick for three months. Just during this time, she was driving in her car around Harefield shopping all the time. Now the question arises? How the fucking hell can she not put weight on her foot and walk at all when she operates a vehicles pedals. Surely this is dangerous driving and puts innocent people out in the community at risk. As usual, the real story was, it was a fake sickness which is what people call skiving and lazy time. Something she showed very well in the department on a daily basis.

Jackie has taken off a number of months off for study leave claiming to wanting it to study for her Part 2 exam. In fact, Jackie has planned that this is Jackies skive time when she will not be studying at all but taking off as much leave as possible unnecessarily. In fact, Jackie has never even passed her Part 1 (as she claims she has in 2005) but has failed time and time again. She surely cannot be taking the Part 2 when she needs to pass her Part 1 first. To say the Band 5 supports this issue. This is extended time off on full pay and Jackie has forged her Part 1 pass certificate. If the regulator body is contacted, they do not seem to recall her having passed anything. Jackie makes use of her employment contract to the absolute minimum. Her official sickness does not exceed 6 month, this is so her salary does not become half of what it was previously, her one month compassionate leave which she takes claiming deaths in the family when their hasn’t been any and lastly study leave for up to 2 months a time. The reality of this situation is that Jackie is trying to do the absolute minimum in her to satisfy her employer.  Jackie is a Cardiographer and should not be entitled to study leave. I mean, this ex employee wasn’t entitled to it so how does Jackie get it. What makes it worse is that she isn’t even taking the Part 2 exam and is just deceptively making the claims she has failed it when she hasn’t even taken it. This means that for many years Jackie has taken many more months off for study leave which she is not entitled to and on full pay and let’s not forget the false job descriptions. This is on top of the full pay sicknesses paid for by taxpayers. What a lazy ATM ram raiding thieving bastard.

This is a picture of that weasel Rob Bougard. This is a picture of the bastard in South Africa killing, torturing animals for sport and then glorifying it in front of a camera. This is the real Rob Bougard. Someone who has no regard for life, to say he worked in a hospital employed to save lives is an overstatement. Rob believes this is what real men do, such as going camping and sharing homosexual relations in a tent with other men and taking a gun and killing innocent deers for the whole fun of it. Surely if Rob was anywhere as a good father, he would teach his children not to kill animals. If the prick wants to eat meat, he should go to the fucking meat shop instead of just randomly carrying out a bloody act. This is how Rob made himself feel like a tough guy. He targeted and constantly lied about a trainee in the department at Harefield Hospital about so called mistakes in his work (when there were none) until they got fired rather then target someone at his own level. Most probably because someone at his level would wipe the floor with him considering he was a lazy bastard in the first place. Now if that was not enough, he signed off fake timesheets for hours his bank staff never did. Now in South Africa, he tries to act like a thug by using a gun to kill animals. If this ex employee wanted to kill animals (which he doesn’t) he would do it with his bear hands and not hide behind a gun like a coward such as Rob. Look in the picture how the sight of blood scares him so he puts his children forward. This is what he was really like, a gutless coward. He started lying about this innocent ex employee because his co-company director and best friend Michael Octave did not get the EP job. This ex employee would lay Rob out flat in his transplant department for constantly dishing out lies against hard working staff.


Michael Octaves company contracts are causing him great deals of problems as no one ever knew why he kept denying why he was refused the EP job for so long. In fact, there’s more to this story then meets the eye. Not only did he have a company contract with Harefield Hospital but he was receiving payments from the hospital to perform each test on these patients using the Cardiology Departments machines in the department. He was performing these tests whilst he was employed on the staff bank making between £35-55 an hour extra. Its a bit like the false job description problem that was going on with Maureen Shepherd and Jackie Deamer. Why would JR use taxpayer’s funds to pay another company and Michael Octave to do a job that 46 Physiologists in the department are suppose to do. This top up payment service is only being granted with Michael Octave to keep him quite about this ex employees allegations against these two crafty slags. The questions that arise are, If Michael is receiving a referral and testing fee, he should provide his own equipment to perform these tests on and this would all include him performing the test too. Surely he will not do it whilst employed on the staff bank using the departments facilities whilst he bitches to other staff about not being the head of EP. This is a crafty way of ‘going around the system’ to defraud the taxpayer.

There was once a very old woman in the Cardiology department called Maureen Shepherd, her fat arse was so lazy that it was totally oblique whether her fat arse is suppose to be in a council estate or in a NHS Hospital. This ex employee says that he wants Maureen to prove that her partner died of cancer rather then this piece of shit fabricating this extremely serious claim just to take a year off sick. It was most probably a sickness stunt because she ran out of operations she could possibly have carried out on her fat arse. Under normal circumstances, this ex employee would have all the remorse for a fat bastard like Maureen but considering her vile scissor tongue caused a lot of bad relationships in the department and ruining other staff members reputations for absolutely no cause, she is not entitled to any remorse. In fact, even when the day she dies, it will be a time for celebration for the Hillingdon borough as that’s one less gollywog carrying racist scum off the council estate that the hard working taxpayers have been working to support.

Jackie Deamer is still off sick, She not really sick though, shes working on her trampy stall in Camden high street. This is her job by day but by night, the real criminal Jackie Deamer and the Deamer family come to light. This is when burglaries and ATM ram raids occur anywhere in the community. I mean, lets look at what happened at Harefield Hospital ATM the very night the money was put in. The money was put in when Jackie and her husband had there stall right opposite the ATM. Then Jackie starts enquiring from others in the hospital about if they knew £3000 was ram raided from the ATM the next day. I mean, however the earth would she know something like that.

Mushtaq the Kokonut Kipling has been quite in the department a lot lately. In fact, a member of staff confronted Mushtaq recently about rumours Mushtaq was spreading about them in the department. This member of staff made it clear that he has been reading this page and Mushtaq was a laughing stock. In fact, he is depressed because his role as Head of training is not giving him access to too much responsibilty. Its probably because his dishonest claims which cost innocent people there jobs for a number of years again and again is finally being looked at properly and he cannot be trusted as a Band 8, just like he cannot be trusted around other peoples food.


fat pig was making a Band 7 salary and doing agency work as well as charging money for references and even after all this, he claims financial hardship. Well, he should lower his high standards of living if he wants to provide for his family and also eat less.

Mushtaqs daughter Adeola regularly comes into the Cardiology Department strutting around thinking she is all that because Mushtaq has given her a big head by claiming he is a Senior Chief. Adeola comes to the department and talks about getting A’s in her exams and tests but she hasn’t really. Mushtaq has asked her to say this to make her appear intelligent in the department. Adeola walks around the department with her head stuck so far up her own arse that even Mushtaq cannot digest it back out. Adeola should not be coming into a clinical environment, no matter how big her daddy Mushtaq claims he is but the only thing big about Mushtaq is his belly and his lies in the form of false witness statements. Mushtaq is all superficial just like his skin colour. His daughter Adeola is superficial too and so is everyone else in his family. Mushtaq comes across as being humble, humorous and a good character but this is superficial. Do not trust this man. He will set you up with lies behind your back. He has done this for 23 years to date.

Many people don’t know too much about Ian Velasquez in the department. Well, actually it was this ex employee who got him the job at Harefield Hospital because he was stirring so much trouble at Ealing Hospital that they were glad he was leaving but he came to Harefield Hospital and started doing it there too. This ex employee got him the application form and even submitted it for him. Ian was rejected from the job the first time, he lost out to Mushtaqs wife during a political and pre arranged recruitment process by JR but rather then be grateful to this ex employee for everything they did for him, he turned on this ex employee for politics and fake promotion promises. This is very crafty of Ian, he uses his friends to get what he wants, then turns round and behind their back starts stabbing them. It is no wonder his in-laws and friends do not allow him to come to their homes. He cannot be trusted especially when he comes out with a fake qualification claiming he’s a doctor when he isn’t.

Jackie Deamer has been off sick for soooo long now that its ridiculous. The truth of this story is that Jackie is not sick at all but spending the time trying to do the Part 1 Cardiology exam. This is being done quietly as she has claimed to her employer she passed it nearly 10 years ago in order to get a Band 5, something she deceptively obtained using JR as a cover up. In fact, Jackie has been doing and looking for agency work during this time whilst she is on full pay sicknesses. In fact, JR knows this as she recently gave Jackie a positive reference. This is not the correct procedure as Jackie doing agency work on her sickness time off is illegal and comes under moonlighting. She is getting paid twice for jobs she is not suppose to it. When Jackie asked JR to give a reference, JR should reported of it to her superiors but chose to brush the matter under the carpet to prevent backlash from 7 years as a falsified Band 5, not when the Zebra Medical LTD is still hanging over her.

This poor ex employee put up with other peoples politics when all they had were insecurity problems themselves. Take Michael Octave for instance, when he resigned from the job, he had a leaving do which this ex employee paid £20 towards. After this leaving do, Michael Octave came back the very next day and started working on the staff bank. This is a waste of money, time and effort for a leaving do. This ex employee was looking forward to less negativity with Michael Octave gone but he disapointed him by just coming back. Then after many years of fraudulent company contracts and bank work, he ran away to the Brompton site and he took another leaving do. I mean how many times is this ugly fuck going to get a leaving do from the same place. He was bank staff anyway so he was not a proper staff member. Let’s not forget about that dog Sonia. No one knows why she keeps coming for check ups at Harefield Hospital when the QEII is closer to her. Its because she likes exposing herself to Michael Octaves work colleagues whilst Michael watches. This apparently excites him exposing his tranny partner to poor staff and ruining everyones day in return. To say all his work colleagues have seen his partner naked and Michael does not find this a problem because he has no integrity or dignity. Next it will be Adeola doing the same.

Mushtaq the Kokonut Kipling is in some trouble lately. He recently performed a course for ECG’s and non-invasive work and labelled himself as a doctor in it. This is completely fabricated, Mushtaq is not a doctor and never was. He asked a member of staff in the wards at Hillingdon Hospital that she is welcome to this course but the fee is £250 and the fee needs to made payable to him. This is not what Mushtaq is authorised to do. This nurse from Hillingdon hospital paid this sum of money to Mushtaq on a private deal unknowingly to her. This is how Mushtaq makes his money just like he ‘stole’ £100 from this innocent ex employee. This is what happens when you give Mr Kipling more responsibility then he should have, he starts committing fraud. Now the taxpayer is out of pocket by £250 and Mushtaq deceptively obtained this fee without the proper paperwork associated with it. He even convinced Wajid Hussein to grant this course to him. Even after all this fraudulent activity and scamming by Mushtaq, he is still not subjected to any disciplinaries. He will most probably lie about the whole incident as it is being widely reported Mushtaq did not even register this nurse from Hillingdon hospital on to the course but she was treated as a ‘walk in’ unknowing to her of course.

This is a picture of Bob Bells son. His name is Edward. You would probably think the amount his daddy makes ripping off the NHS that he would make an effort to buy him a bigger guitar but as usual you know how these NHS CEO’s are like, they live off the blood of the hard working staff whilst they steal from the taxpayer to earn a wealthy life and submit false company contracts, invoices and timesheets with third party companies without track records being present and cover it up.


This is Bob Bells wife Andrea. You are probably wondering why she is so young, in fact, far more younger then the CEO himself. Say 20-30 years younger. Well, its simple, shes after him for his money. Once all of Bob Bells money goes and finishes, she will be off to the next CEO or a banker. Imagine this, she was just born and Bob Bell in his 30’s. This can be regarded as child abuse and a safeguarding concern. Poor Andrea doesn’t understand what she has let herself in for as Bob Bell is the predator in this picture.


Mushtaq was walking down the hospital corridor the other day and he was stopped by a nurse from the wards who confronted him and asked him whether he does charge a fee for courses and references. Mushtaq was eating a doughnut on this occasion and quickly ignored the young lady and walked off. He could of always lied and denied it like he always does. On the other hand, Michael Octave and JR are keeping a low profile. To say, hundreds of thousands of pounds have been ‘stolen’ from public funds to fund Michael Octaves company for the sole purpose to buy his silence is totally unacceptable. To say Hillingdon Hospitals Cardiology Department did this at one time is also concerning considering that Hillingdon Hospital is even shittier.

The thing about Rob Bougard was that many people thought he was a very nice bloke but the reality of the problem was that these are the types of people you have to be careful of the most. Rob never commented on someone who works independently but always blended his claims and falsified allegations with everyone elses. Eventually when this prick was about to get caught with his fabricated time sheets problem in the hospitals transplant department, he packed his bags and ran away to South Africa and no one ever heard from him ever again. We hope nothing ever worked out well for this dirty nasty man. When he knew this ex employee never said anything to him, Rob started fabricating claims against him because he held this ex employee at fault for his co company director Michael Octave not getting the EP job. Eventually when Rob Bougard could not substantiate his lies to HR, he had no option but to leave as his own conduct started getting looked at more closely in conjunction with the false timesheet problems and his constant moaning. JR never thought Rob Bougard could be capable of anything this bad but this is similar to how she conducts herself when she pins false claims on innocent employees of the department and creates hate campaigns unjustifiably and denies all knowledge of it. Rob also had a problem doing any work in the organisation. He was paid over £50k for his job as head of transplant and all he did was cut corners and refuse to work. He was always in the transplant department locked away booking holidays and browsing the internet. When this ex employee came to work in the transplant department, this ex employee actually did some work and Rob started complaining and lying out of jealously about this ex employee making mistakes when this ex employee didn’t. Rob was doing this vindictively because he didn’t want to be labelled as lazy which he actually was.

Michael Octave is very depressed these days. His company contract has now been cancelled from Harefield Hospital and now his behaviour in general is more in question then anything else. All those years of denials about him being refused the EP job whilst an innocent man took the wrap for it and now finally Michael Octave is getting caught out. JR was confronted by the board of Directors about this payment system Michael Octaves company was receiving. Initially JR denied having any knowledge of it but once the buying and purchasing department was contacted, it came to light that 100’s of thousands of pounds of money from public funds were being diverted in Zebra Medical LTD and all being signed by JR directly. When this was put to Julie, she eventually said that it was just some work Michael Octave was helping her out with which is a very casual and laid back response. JR has 46 Physiologists to do this work. She is not stretched with workloads. If JR wants help, she needs to ask her ATM ram raiding and falsifying sicknesses friends Jackie Deamer to come back and help out or let her go completely.

Michael Octave is now working at the Luton and Dunstable hospital because the staff at the Royal Brompton Hospital do not trust him anymore because of how much trouble he causes. The funny thing is Luton and Dunstable hospital know a lot about him as well and have a lot of stories about him too as two previous staff members from Harefield Hospital left because of his lies back in the 90’s. Michael is not happy with the Royal Brompton Hospital either as they have now cancelled his company contract which he was using to get more money when he is not entitled to it. He even refused to report the fact he was actually getting paid twice, once for his bank work at £35 an hour and his separate company contracted work with Harefield Hospital. Thank goodness this piece of shit has finally been caught out for the lying worthless pile of shit he really is otherwise the taxpayer would be footing the bill for the political cover up.

The thing about that prick Michael Octave is that back in the day when he was starting up in the Cardiology Department and dropping his trousers for any transplant patient he could find, he had a serious attitude and jealously problem. He got rid of a vast number of ethnic minorities from the department by lying about them again and again. When he saw someone applied for a promotion in the department, Michael Octave would get his friends Ken Ali and others and start a hate campaign filled with lies until the applicant would not get the promotion after all. Eventually this selfish bastard decided he wanted a promotion and applied for the Head of EP role, a role he has no intention of doing well, just the name, status and money that comes along with it. He was refused this job because JR saw right through his selfish self and the things he did all the time in the department in the past. Michael deserved it. Surely he cannot expect to get a promotion when he stopped others from getting it in the past. Lets look at how he lied against this ex employee for one.

Mushtaq the kokonut kipling went to JR the other day and demanded more responsibility for his role. Mushtaq believes ‘booking people on courses’ is not responsibility enough. Well, maybe he should stop forging documents and lying all the time and he will get his responsibility. He is untrustworthy, do not trust this man. You have to wonder how his wife Joanna got the job in the department when she clearly was not the right applicant. It was all political. Nonetheless, Mushtaq now goes to the doctors to get some responsibility in his role as he tries to get clearing to this from a higher level but so far no one is interested in him because they know how much he fabricates claims. He goes to Wajid Hussain though and rubs shoulders with him by claiming they are both Muslim and should stick together but this is just Mushtaq trying to be the deceptive one again. Mushtaq changed his name to Ken so he is not as Muslim as he claims.

Another ethnic staff called Raheel was also promoted to a Band 7 of non-invasive. A job he got politically because he helped JR make a heap of false claims against this innocent ex employee. Raheel is now using his Band 7 role to encourage Shirley to retire from her job as a Band 8 so that he will apply for her job. This is what he said to this ex employee. This is what Raheel was like as well. A man who is suppose to provide healthcare is using someone elses health problems to promote himself in their role regardless of whether someone lives or dies. It is no wonder he was kicked out of the Echo department after only one week, its because they saw right through him.

When Rob Bougard got caught lying all the time and especially against this innocent ex employee, he packed his bags and ran away out of embarassment. Rob was a cunning bully, he made false claims against this ex employee to make him feel superior. In fact, this ex employees work was perfectly fine and Rob has a jealousy problem. This is why no one could ever believe Rob was capable of any wrong doing because he manipulated others around him. When his manipulation tactics wore out and he started getting caught out, he left. Rob use to nit-pick, belittle, demean this ex employee all the time and had a track record of doing this. Cardiology staff across the country talk about him and his friends. This is why rob limits the amount of external training available to the staff. This is because he is trying to contain his bad behaviour he has developed over the decades. Rob Bougard saw this ex employee doing good work but because the slag did not want an ethnic minority getting credit for good work, he decided to claim this ex employee was not good. It was all to do with jealousy and others not doing any work themselves.

Jackies husband Ricky ‘Weezy’ Deamer used to come on site quite a lot. In fact, no one knows why. He spent the day using the canteen, walking around the hospital, sitting on the benches outside and sleeping in his car. Its simple, hes grooming the area and the hospital to see where things are kept and if there is anything of value to send his sons over to steal in the night time. This is how Jackie and Ricky ram-raided the ATM at the main reception of the hospital and how they were responsible for the leaded gowns going missing. If you accuse them, they get very frantic because they don’t like suspicion coming their way.

Michael Octave and Professor Michael Henien are having troubles in their business plans. Prof Michael Henien is now the director of Cardiology at Canterbury Christchurch University and Michael Octaves his assistant there. Prof Michael Henien says he wants his £21,000 deposit back he invested in to Zebra Medical LTD as the Royal Bromptons Hospitals upper management have found out about his involvement in the dealings with the Trust through Michael Octave. Michael Octave says he has not got the funds for this and Prof Michael Henien has to wait. In fact, Michael Octave is now planning to dissolve Zebra Medical LTD and open a brand new company or reopen Protea Healthcare LTD so he can somehow get his company contracts back at Harefield Hospital. Its a shame how fraud in the NHS results in a serious backlash. In fact, the hospital Trust should thank this ex-employee as because of this ex-employees operations, the Trust has saved hundreds of thousands of pounds by having these payments cancelled.

The thing about Rob Bougard was that this wanker no one thought was capable of dishonest acts. In fact, in reality, this prick was the most dishonest around. You have to understand is that when a Cardiac Physiologist is not doing any work and still getting paid a lot of money for it whilst others in the department are getting in to trouble for ‘alleged mistakes’, it must take some form of art to perform in this way. In fact, many years ago in the Heart Science centre of the hospital, Rob Bougard and Michael Octave saw a man carrying out research with Magdi Yacoub called Simon. Simon did 95% of the work in this research project but when Rob and MIchael saw he did an excellent job, they started spreading false accusation and claims about him for a number of weeks until Simon was removed from this research project. This left this role vacant. This is when Rob Bougard and Michael Octave stepped in and did no work for the research and took 100% of the credit for it. It was even a published work in journals etc. This is the type of pricks Michael Octave and Rob Bougard were. They stole the spotlight from others using lies and shone it upon themselves. Its no wonder Rob Bougard left once his activities were becoming the subject of investigations. We hope he rots wherever he goes because the wanker deserves it just like Michael Octave deserves not getting the EP job.

Mushtaq is in a lot trouble right now. His name has been taken off the NASPE EP register because he was caught on CCTV cheating in his EP exam. It is understood that he has hidden this from his employer to falsely claim he passed an exam in 2012 which he didn’t. Mushtaq went into this exam with paascards and literature written on his arms and clearly has been caught on CCTV cheating. He now is planning to redo the exam under strict control. Can you believe this, the taxpayer pays this liar and scammer so much money so he does things like this. He even charged £100 from this ex employee for an employment reference.

NEWSFLASH!!! Terry ‘Nipple-T’ White has officially been sacked from Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. It is understood the shortbread wanker was trying to cover maternity leave for only a year and only had 2 months of his contract left before he had to pop off permanently to the jobcentre. It is understand he was sacked alongside the Chief Executive of the Trust because Termie submitted a false application form with false details on it. He also did not disclose his real reason for leaving Harefield Hospital. To say he left Harefield for Manchester and he still cannot get away from his demons. He is now in the Jobcentre at Manchester looking for the next poor pathetic fuck of an employer who does not know anything else about him but will get to know him very explicitly once he gets his contract up and running again.

Michael Octave and Professor Michael Henien are now undercutting the Royal Brompton Hospital by offering a lower referral fee to the GP practices in South West London. Michael Octave has not disclosed too much information in regards to this but it is understood this was all Michael Heniens idea and they have already taken 3 GP practices under the wing of Zebra Medical LTD. This was exactly the reason that Professor Michael Henien was sacked for in the first place. Michael Octave has had to get a £20,000 bank loan as well to get his company up and running as it was before with a  slightly lower profit margin.

This is a picture of Mushtaqs bedroom. This is where all the pig action takes place. You can see he tries to live in style but then again he only has achieved all this by lying and getting rid of others around him. He is what you call a standard physiologist who is not capable of telling the truth.


This is a picture of Mikey (no likey) Octave. As you can see there is no real difference between looking at his arse and his face as both are exactly the same. Both sides comes out with a load of shit too. He talks about steps towards employment but really what he talking about how he will step forward and become the Head of EP, a job he was refused because his professionalism, accountability and honesty was in dispute but something which he never took responsibility for. He continues to bitch about this until the present day.


More staff members are approaching JR and informing her that they are being victimised and bullied by other staff members such as Ian Velasquez and Mushtaq the Kokonut Kipling. In fact, members of staff have stated that since Ian Velasquez has arrived in the Cardiology Department, he has been stirring trouble from one corner of the department to the other and fabricating claims of all sorts. Other claims have surfaced that Ian deliberately invites himself to other peoples homes and if no one invites him, he spreads comments and rumours in the department claiming that there is something suspicious going on. He forgets to realise he is not a doctor or that he does not have any university qualifications but dishonestly got his role in the hospitals Cardiology Department by claiming he does. What Ian is trying to do is invite himself to other staff members homes and find out how they live their lives so he can stir trouble up in the department about his work colleagues. It is no wonder this ex employee no longer associates himself with Ian because Ian is somewhat a crafty and a dodgy charactor which anyone and everyone should stay away from just for their own safety. His former line manager at Ealing Hospital wanted to get rid of him so bad because he stirred so much trouble down there and all the department wanted him out and turned on him. Now the same problem has come to him at Harefield Hospital. This seems like a pattern of behaviour that stems from his own under performance issues emerging again and again.

JR is fed up of Ian nowadays. She has been receiving complaints after complaints about his behaviour. In fact, she thinks and even says to others that she got rid of this ex employee whose performance and work was perfectly fine to employ troublemakers in the department who do not seem to work half as hard as they should do. This shows an under-performance issue with JR too. If only she was not always campaigning again this ex employee or getting her friends to do it then maybe she would have had a genuine working employee rather then what she has now.

Jackie has gone to Germany on a short trip on the Ferry this time. She has gone with her husband and some other drunken and criminal friends who are on the dole. The idea of the trip is that she can get as much alcohol in her system with cheap booze and maximise her sicknesses. In fact, she took a teddy bear with her out of her pathetic collection and thought it was quite amusing showing it to all her friends. In fact, its very sad a 50 year old woman does something like that but then again that’s what the drink problem does to you, you do unpredictable things such as hurling racist insults at patients when you can and having no action taken against you by your line manager.

Michael Octave is currently claiming that he is actively supporting a charity called ‘Christians against poverty’. Don’t get fooled by this. This ugly dog is not a christian against poverty. In fact, he needs to learn to be a christian first by stop lying against innocent people. As it goes for being against poverty, he has 8 properties all on rent and wanted to get the EP job by playing politics, something that he was refused because of his retard past involving him lying against other innocent staff members. If hes that much against poverty, then he should ask some homeless people to live in his rented properties whilst he supports them with getting back to normal. But the problem is Michael Octave will not do that because hes always stealing money (like his company contracts) and because hes greedy for money too. This charity he supports is all superficial to manipulate others around him. So when it all comes down to it, Michael Octave is not a Christian against poverty. Michael Octave is a lying two faced prick who is against the whole world and him being refused the EP job was one step closer to normality then having a knob like this becoming a very senior staff member. All that is expected now is Sonia to give the heart transplant back to the man she killed and took it off in the first place.

Mushtaq the Kokonut Kipling is currently very worried about how a picture of his bedroom (where all the pig action takes place) got leaked to this ex employees associates. The lying fat pig is now trying to get the locks changed at his house. Hopefully a lock change will not be a deterrent.

This is a picture of Mushtaq the Kokonut Kipling. He seems confused looking at a table full of food. After this picture was taken, Mushtaq did the most extraordinary thing imaginable, he ate the whole table and left no food for anyone else. Its not surprising by the size of the little lying prick


This is a picture Michael Octave and Mushtaq. These two liars are planning and plotting to lie and stir and get more innocent people in to trouble. In this picture, Mushtaq is saying to Mikey (no likey) what other lies these two fags can falsely collaborate with one another. In other words, anything to not do any work in the department and go after others that do work.


Michael Octave is trying to act very brave these days. In fact, in Luton and Dunstable hospital recently, he has been caught lying and falsely claiming others are lazy. In fact, this dirty little tranny is being investigated for fraud at Hillingdon Hospital because he set up a company called Zebra Medical LTD and started deceptively having funds transferred from the hospital in to his company whilst covering up why he got the alledged contract in the first place. He had his contract terminated and he is no longer allowed on site. You have to feel sorry for this fool after all the years of misery he causes others when in fact he is the bad one all along.

Mushtaq the Kokonut Kipling has recently been investigated for cheating in his IBHRE exams. In fact, many people made complaints that he went to the exam test center and cheated. It is no wonder he falsely accuses others of cheating when in fact he and his family are the biggest cheats. In fact, he has even cheated himself and others out of his own name by disgracefully calling himself Ken when his real name is Mushtaq.

This is evidence showing Mushtaq ‘The Kokonut’ Kipling has been cheating in his IBHRE exams and was doing it so openly. Now you know how a liar like ‘Ken’ has got his way ahead, its by lying and cheating his way through the system. This is directly linked with him withdrawing all his allegations at the employment tribunal confirming and reinforcing that he is a liar and a cheat. He is now training other people in the department which is incredibly concerning considering he has cheated his way through in the first place.

Evidence of Ken cheating
Have you ever wondered what the job of a divisional head of HR really is? Well, Harefield Hospitals head of HR Geoff Brown gets up to all sorts on his computer. Here is a typical example where he is asking another manager at Harefield Hospital to have sex with him. As you can see, he was unsuccessful but this is incredibly concerning due to the high level of integrity his role actually involves. He comes to work, tries to bum blokes at work and if they dont let him bum them, he can make things very difficult for them. The best way to handle this problem is when you are around Geoff Brown, just make yourself look unattractive, that way Geoff will force himself on some other poor soul. Another way is to make sure you never talk to him or go to him for advice, you could be targeted for all sorts by Geoff or others out to get Geoff so be warned.



This is Geoff Brown working beyond his capabilities again. When will he learn. He seems to have a lot of time approaching other members of staff for sexual reasons!

gay mail1gay mail2

Michael Octave is now doing more fraud using a new company called New Horizons Medical Limited. This cheeky little steroid induced fuck is now planning to close down Zebra Medical LTD and open up a new company with a different name. This is because he is now being investigated for fraud at many different NHS Trusts for making false claims and laundering money. He has now even manipulated a young man called Gareth in Nottingham to join in his corrupt ventures and defraud NHS Trusts outside of London as no hospital in London wants to touch him anymore.

HERE IS THE PROOF THAT THE HOSPITAL ACCEPT LIABILITY. They would not be offering this innocent ex employee £120,000 to keep quite about how the slags treated him in the first place. This shows that Harefield Hospital and the Royal Brompton hospital will use taxpayers money to cover up their sleezy politics, dishonest and corrupt ways under any terms. This all comes at a cost of redundancies, reducing services and further CEO and director bonuses.


It is now understood that Geoff Brown has his own gay profile on a gay website. This man is unbelievable. We will let his profile do all the talking.

Geoff is too gay

Geoff is too gay again

Michael Octaves partner Sonia Dos Santos was in Harefield Hospital recently suffering from ill health. Its to do with the heart transplant she had. Unfortunately, after 15 days in hospital, Michael Octave was looking for sympathy from others but don’t feel sorry for this worthless pile of shit because what is happening to him is called Karma because what goes round comes round. He will be OK though, Just last year he made £105, 000 pounds working as a Cardiac Physiologist so he is rich and does not require any sympathy. Imagine the filth that usually comes from his mouth and others have to suffer because of him. Unfortunately for this innocent ex employee, they have no sympathy for Michael Octave and is actually glad Sonia was admitted.

In the meantime, Maureen Shephard, the silly slag has been using her pension money on gambling and bowling at Northwood bowls. Obviously the tax payers money that she stole for many years is being properly invested in. How about reduce her pension to nothing and call it her full pay sickness reimbursement. We hope she loses all her money to her gambling ways. Maureen even goes to church these days. Unfortunately, the church is run by charity so stealing from them would be a very hideous crime even for Maureen Shephard but you never know what the silly slag can do. When you are a dog, you act like a dog.

Maureen Shepherd has been looking a little more wrinkly these days. She works as a volunteer in the local old peoples home where she puts her lazyness time and filth to some use. She has now moved home as well to Northwood because Harefield was becoming too populated with ethnic minorities and she felt very little British in that neighbourhood. A picture of her ugly old fat arse is shown below. Lets hope the day she dies, the last thing she sees is an ethnic minority, now that would take the piss out of her old farting arse.



Jackie Deamer is looking very fat these days as well. She ran away to Malta for some reason. With her extreme immigration views, it is somwhat concerning that she would go and live in another country when she never liked foreigners come to Britain. The reason Jackie went to Malta was so she can spend all the money her and her husband Weezy Ricky Deamer scammed and robbed from Britain through benefits and compensation scams. As you are all aware, all criminals go abroad after making all their money in Britain. This is what Jackie is doing as well. She spends the days soaking the sunshine, drinking, watching TV but never doing any work. This is because she is a lazy prick. Jackie does not go to work but work comes to her and she passes it on to someone else. If only this fat orange hermaphrodite transvestite would just go back to her country! Looks like she is keeping her chin up and not only one of them but all.



This is a picture of Mushtaq the Kokonut Kipling with his wife and daughter. We will let you decide which one is which because no one can really tell. He seems to think he is the new 007 James Bond but in fact he is the XXL Ken Ali. He could of made an effort to button up his suit jacket so his belly does not pop out like that. His family dressed up in traditional outfits but Mushtaq thought he would do things the English way (like his name) so he pops on a tuxedo and thinks he is English now but please do not be confused, this is the type of confusion that Mushtaq likes to work in. He is an ethnic minority not an English man. He thinks he is English. This is the same man which his college lecturer John threw a pen in his eye and poked his eye out and made him cry because Mushtaq called his splinter. It seems his vision has been substantially affected because he has bad taste in women.



Many people think the hospital Trust Chief Executive Robert Bell is a gentleman but recently a picture has appeared of him that shows that he is lazy to the core. He finds two old ladies dressed nicely and gets them to plant a tree whilst Robert and his boyfriend the Chairman of the Trust looks on. This is a very shallow man. Surely a gentleman would not do such a thing. Maybe Robert Bell needs to get his arse up and do some work for his £246,000 a year salary and his £25,000 a  year bonus rather then gets others to do it. He is probably just getting these lovely ladies to bury someone elses reputation or the bribes he gives to UK court judges in his spare time.



The Chief Executive Robert Bells recent shenanigans involve bribing UK court Judges. He usually does this by asking Geoff Brown, the divisional head of human resources to go to court rooms with boxes filled with money. This is all discretionary and remember no one has seen it or is suppose to see it. The box is usually placed in the court room in the eye of the judge who will decide whether he will pick it up later on or not. These are referred to as ‘gifts’ and Geoff Brown and Robert Bell use tax payers money to do this. The minimum the hospital Trust has given a judge in the past is £8,000 and the maximum is usually unlimited although it is understood that Robert Bell has given a maximum of £25,000 in the past. Have you ever wondered why when they do such wrong things that when they go to court, it always comes out as though they are right all along. This is all because of the ‘gift system’ in place. It happened in the high profile Stephen Lawrence case and it continues until today. So if you ever go to court or take the Trust to court, be careful about a member of HR placing boxes in court rooms (usually wrapped up in a carrier bag). Although this is risky, no money has technically exchanged hands. All that has happened is a box was placed in the court room in the eye of the judge and its up to judge whether he picks it up. It seems quite childish and only those people would do that who have something to hide. So now a new allegation can be added to this blog which is:




Mushtaq the kokonut kipling has recently decided to give his bald patch and receding hairline the jolly good old chop. After many years of embarrassing the department and people around him, he finally decides that rather then combing his hair everywhere to cover up the bald patch, he might as well just shave the middle area completely off. As you can see, he looks completely rediculous and adding the weight problems that he has suffered from, he just now looks completely ugly supported by the fact hes a liar as well. So now not only has Mushtaq withdrawn all his allegations at the employment tribunal but now hes withdrawn his hair from his head as well. We should all call him Uncle Ken now or maybe a more appropriate term is Uncle Tom.


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